
How to Ex girlfriend back?

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  1. Act like nothing is wrong. She's not going to want you back if you're acting depressed. Make sure you're laughing a lot and pretending to have a good time. This is so hard because of the break up depression.

    You need to make her come crawling back to you. By taking advantage of very specific female psychological "hot buttons", you can cause your ex girlfriend to want you back. It's actually not even that hard if you know what specific buttons to push. You can find out more about using psychological trick to win her back here:

    When your ex gets back in touch, DO NOT start talking to her about your relationship right away! Even if she desperately wants you back, she's probably not ready to talk about the break-up. Instead, pretend as if you had never dated and treat her purely as an old friend. This will help you put her at ease and allow you to gradually nudge her towards reconciliation rather than running the risk of scaring her away.

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