
How to Find my Neighbours Marijuana Stash?

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i hate my neighbour....i mean i REALLY HATE my neighbour

we live in the country....allthough we're only about 5 min from a town of 1400 people

i know he grows and deals pot....and i want to find his plants, and destroy them for the satisfaction of saying i told you so

what are some obvious sighns to look for to find these patches (i know they cant be far from my house, and i suspect there could even be some on my land)

i mean it, if this guy is growing on my property.....




  1. I'd be careful about messing with a drug dealer... imagine the amount of money you would cost him and how crazy he might get about it! Anyway, even reporting him is risky. You may want to see if someone, like a friend who live out of the area would be willing to call in an anonymous tip. He's probably hiding it near or in a shack in the back somewhere outta site but where it still gets light unless he has some artificial lights going on. Be careful!

  2. Here's a thought, instead of finding the marijuana plants and then destroying them, find them, take pictures (to make sure that you aren't wrong), and then notify the police that they are growing and selling marijuana.  By the way, have fun!  I've always wanted to do that to someone. :-)

  3. call the cops,tell them the guy stole your weed & they will definitly find it for you

  4. That is a scary thought that you would go and destroy their crop.  I think that would be a dangerous situation.  I would call your local drug enforcement agency and have them deal with it.  The police have alot of other things to deal with.  Don't risk your life or your families just because you do not like someone.

  5. Well, if I were you I would not do it unless you want to get in to some serious **** with your neighbour!! make a anonymous call to the police if you feel you have to.. If it is on your property then you can tear it down all you want..

  6. hmmm....well, I guess the only sure fire way is to get a stoner friend and take him out on a hot day to "sniff em out." hahah yah, you can smell them pretty well when its hot out. so unfortunate that you want to destroy such a wonderful plant. Lots of good things it does.....

  7. follow him and find out. The plants need water so look for nearby water sources.

  8. save yourself some time and energy use or borrow a dog

  9. well you should call the police and if they dont do anyhting(which they wont)

    then take matters in your own hands because

    i'm sure they won't take the time to help you.

    you should becareful though because they are druggies and

    you never know what them wierdies are capable of

  10. Most people dont grow it on their own land but he could be.Look in areas where common plants are growing,thats where most people hide theirs.Maybe if your bored go on a stake out and watch him,maybe  he will lead you to them

  11. You just have to knwo what you're looking for... or sometimes you can smell them. Are you sure he is growing them outside? They could just be in his house.

    Call teh cops on him. They'll raid his house.

  12. Why dont you call the sherriff of your county and let him handle it?  It would be safer for you.

  13. That's kind of like hurting someones mom because they pissed you off. Marijuana is not a drug he is not a druggie for smokin herb and face the guy like a man if you have some sort of problem with the guy.That means face to face. You'll get yourself in trouble not him by trespassing and damaging his personal property let alone what he may do to you.

  14. dude, dont even think about ripping them down...its a jah rasta sin!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. i woulnt destroy the weed lol he might kill you, just move it sounds terrible

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