
How to Go Green at Work?

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I want to go Green at work , I have a computer at work , printers ,papers,mails ,new and old boxes ,Air Conditioner , etc...and I just don't know how to Go Green at work .




  1. Recycling can be the first step! Just set out a box and place the papers you were going to dump in the trash into the box and get your co-workers to do the same. Or ask if you can place a recycle bin in the break room for cans, bottles and even paper. Also, carpool! This can be a great way to save gas and get to know your co-workers. Best of luck and thanks for taking a step in the right direction! ^^

  2. A good bicycle is the prim way

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    In how to go to work

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    After you are there the boss will have a whole lot to say about that part of going green.

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  3. for a start, any paper printed or used that needs to be thrown away, either put it in a recycling bin or put it in a "reusable paper" pile. that pile would consist of paper with more room on it that could be used as scrap paper, etc. for computers, when you don't need them, you could *turn it off* that way you aren't using as much energy. next, only turn on the a/c if it is really hot! in the spring, open some windows and get fresh air instead! by boxes do you mean like a cardboard box? if so, reuse them to hold things, you could paint them nicely and have them hold stuff, recycle them or if anyone in your office has kids, they could bring them home and i'm sure the kids could find some game with the. i hope that helps. its really great that you want to go green at work! :)

  4. I like wasting as much energy as possible. Thanks for going green. This helps me and Al Gore waste even more. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  5. She It I Do's suggestion of the recycling bins is right.  That is a start.

    Air conditioning, turn it up by as little as 1 degree.  That would cut your energy usage by a noticeable amount.  Reset your computer's screen saver so after 5 minutes, your screen saver comes on, and after 10 minutes, your screen turns off.

    If you have a fair number of windows, turn off the lights since the ambient light from outside should be enough.

    If you have interoffice mail, where you put things in envelopes, then use reusable envelopes, the one with the elastic band on them.  That will cut down on tonnes of paper.

    OR even better, more emails and instant messages.  That will really cut down on paper.

    As well, carpool or take the bus to work.  Those can really help in the future.  Even if you have to walk a little, the walk can be healthy for you.

    And if you have old and new boxes, use reusable ones.  Even if they are plastic.

  6. You may use: My Best Recycling Idea

    Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

    Major items needed:

    One empty plastic gallon container.   Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

    One empty plastic ½ gallon container.  Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

    Directions:  Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up.  Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline.  Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container.  Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon  to complete your planter container.  Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

    Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant.  If you make two or more you can pour the water back and forth and not waste the water with the nutrients.

    Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest.

  7. Simple, don't do it. Why in God's name would u go green at work. It won't do anything, except give you a self-righteous feeling. Spend your time improving real things, not imaginary things.

  8. collect aluminum tabs and cans and donate them, recycle, for food use reusable containers instead of foil and plastic wrap, drink tap water and less water bottles but if u have to have bottled water buy Ethos brand because that money goes to Africa to help them get clean water, buy dolphin-safe tuna, if u have a leaky faucet collect the water in a cup and use it to water the plants, use flourscent light bulbs, turn the water heater down to 130 degrees, try to use cold water in laundry and plant maple trees so then u can collect the seeds and plant more.

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