
How to Help Kids Deal With..?

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I'm curious, when your child or little sibling falls (ie, off a bike, trips, etc), what have you found calms the child the most? I know when I was little and would scrape my knee, my dad would always joke around and say "Well I can pinch you and then you'll forget all about that knee!" and it would make me laugh. So, what do you do?




  1. tell them to stop crying before you give them something to really cry about. that's what my parents said to me and I turned out fine.

  2. "Is it bleeding or broken" and they usually say no so my step-dad will say "well then i think your gonna live" and they get up and go back to whatever they were doing.  With me though and my mom the boys expect us to kiss the boo-boo to make it feel better.  

  3. yeah if the boo-boo isnt too bad, but we were still hysterical about it (cause thats how kids are haha) i remember my dad always used to try to act WAY freaked out screaming "OH NO" so we would shut up crying thinking we really were hurt and he would tell us something rediculous like if scrapped our knee he would say all frantic like "we have to go to the emergency room...NO...we dont have time we have to amputate NOW...ill go get my saw...dont move!" and of course he would run out the door and us kids would jump up giggling and go hide... for some reasons dads make boo-boos better in the cutest ways haha! but i just thought id share my story!

    try not to "aawww" and "oh are you ok!!!" if they are little becuase then they notice that it causes attention and they overreact to situations in the future for the attention...i work at a day care i see the result with parents and their kids all the time!

    even if it is a pretty bad injury NEVER seriously freak out...the kid will see you freaking and they wil lose it!

  4. I just sit my child down with a glass of water and give them a minute to calm down

  5. with mine we would tell whatever hurt them "no" like " bad bike no no, u be nice"  hehe... my kids think its the funniest thing... with my youngest if i kiss it, it makes it all better.... you could try spanking whatever hurt them... we did that too, and that would make them laugh...  hope this works for you..   :)  

  6. I always found the more I made a big deal about it my kids would cry. So I just kinda clap and act like it was part of the plan that they fell...Unless they are really hurt that involves some kisses and your all better and encouragement to go play again.

  7. I just put my hand on my daughter' back, bend down, and kiss her knee...dirt and all.  Then ask her to get up and play.  She does every time.

  8. I would say "aww" and give a hug. parents always yelled at me and brought alcohol as a magical remedy for all injuries.

    and if kids do these things on purpose to get your attention, then maybe you dont give them enough attention. and of course now I'll get thumbs down like I always do. I am never right about the mind of kids, even if I've been to uganda and helped other children.

    its great if this makes a child laugh "Well I can pinch you and then you'll forget all about that knee!". otherwise you have to know there are also more sensitive kids and they can take this in a negative way. they will take this as an insult, or they will think that pain is all what they deserve. you need to give them lots love. treat them humanely. children are born very affectionate. its nothing wrong to spoil a kid with love and affection. we dont want this world filled with sociopaths.

  9. It depends on how old the child is. My grandsons are going to be 3 this month and so far I usually kiss the booboo. Now sometimes they ask, sometimes I offer. If they really seem to be going for attention more than relief for the pain I do the same thing your dad did. My 13 year old son had a black eye from taking a ball in the face not long ago. I offered to punch the other one so he would have a matched set.

    One of my grandsons stepped on something the other day and I made a big production out of trying get myself to kiss that dirty foot, telling him I knew I could do it because I loved him so much and almost getting the foot to my lips, then going ugh! and making a face and so on. I had him in hysterics before I was done. I love taking them from tears to chuckles.

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