
How to I bring my flowers back to life?

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I recently planted perennials on my front lawn. It is currently summer here. They get sun and I water them once everyday at sunset. They are still dried out and dying. My first time planting, not sure what to do.




  1. Most people over water. The effect can seem the same if you;re new to gardening, yellowing and die back. Try sticking you finger in the soil and seeing if it's wet before you water.  You don't say where "here" is, or what the perennials are, so it's kinda hard to tell. .

  2. First of all you never want to water at sunset.They get water in the morning so the leaves can dry out before nightfall.Wet leaves breed fungus disease.You may be giving them too much water.They only need water every couple of days.Do not just spray them,give them a good deep watering.Try a liquid fertilizer to bring them back to life.

  3. When you first plant you should shield them from the direct sun for a few days.  Also, make sure you're watering deep enough to get down to the roots.  If you don't have a well around the plants then water has a tendency to compact the soil and just run off.  Its like the  difference between a violent shower in the summer and a slow rain in the winter, well, in my area anyway.

    Keep watering, maybe morning and night, slowly and deeply. They may just lose their leaves and then grow new ones.

  4. It sounds like you may not have firmed the soil around them very well.  Otherwise they would be getting the water that you are applying.  First, see if the soil is firm around them by pressing down around the plants.  Then, water deeply for a couple days, then cut back to once every other day for a few times, after that they should only be watered once a week....and deeply.  If you water lightly every day, their roots won't grow down and they will never thrive.

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