
How to I get dog smell out of my room,house and get the dodo smell out and pee off the carpet?

by Guest33991  |  earlier

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My dad is getting mad because the dog is using the bathroom in the house he says if he dosent stop we will have to give him away and i really love my dog. The smell he leaves in the house after he uses the bathroom has to go. Is there any speacial shampoo i can get him or anything so he wont smell like a dog!




  1. This works pretty well.

    So does crating the dog for potty training.

  2. None of the traditional dog/cat odor eliminators work well. I have worked in the veterinary field for 15 years and the only one I have found works is called Urine Off. You can purchase it online or search for a vet that carries it. This stuff is amazing and even removes tom cat urine odor. I used to work at a vet that sold it and we even had a guy who owned a taxicab company come buy it to get human urine smells out of his cabs. This product will be your best bet. Do not waste your time on Natures Best or any products you find in supermarkets/pet stores.  

  3. first off, why don't you try housetraining your dog for crying out loud, if you love him. get your dog on a potty schedule. take him out first thing in the morning, after eating, after playing, after napping. pick up his food for the day at about 5:30 pm. take him out for the last time in the evening at about 10:30-11:00 pm. get some type of dog shampoo for the dog smell. go to a pet store and ask a sales clerk to show you where to get the cleaner for dog stains/smells for carpet. get with the program and if it is your dog, take care and train it. geez.

  4. You need to air the house all the time... windows need to be open to ventilate.

    You need to get baking soda and put all over carpets and floors at least once a week and then vaccuum completely and broom the floors. Mop everyday if you have to!

    Make sure the dog is not inside the house or around the baking soda otherwise he'll get incredibly sick and will cost you. Arm & Hammer is always great! Try the pet section of stores for cleaning products too. Please make sure the dog is nowhere near the chemicals and he's far away when you're cleaning up.

    You also need to train the dog and walk him consistently so he learns. He shouldn't be urinating, etc in the house.

    Having a dog is a great responsibility... love is not enough.  You need to step up and train the dog, walk the dog and clean up after him as  much as possible...

    Shampoo has nothing to do with anything... get your dog groomed or just wash him with dog or puppy shampoos (no human ones!) puppy oatmeal shampoo for sensitive skin is great ($3.99 pet section of most grocery stores!). Make sure to never ever use human shampoo (no matter who says it's ok, don't do it!!!).... so many dogs get severe allergies and will scratch themselves to bleed and the doctor bills for their allergies will cost you alot!

    Take care of your dog and respect your father and make sure the house is clean.

    Good luck.  

  5. well... as far as the dog smelling like dog, there's not much you can do about that.  he's going to smell like dog but if it offends you get some dog perfume from Walmart.

    as far as the carpets, rug doctor makes pet odor cleaner that works wonderfully.

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