
How to I get my career started?

by  |  earlier

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I know I'm only 14 years old, but ther sooner the better.

I would love to become an actress, people always say I'd be great at it but; I have like never been in a serious play. Except the ones like, in 2nd and 3rd grade but; that doesn't really count. Summer has just started and I would like to do something that will totally help me, to get started with my acting career. Where do I go though? I live in San Jose, California, and no we are not moving to L.A. we don't have the money!! I wanna start out small but work my way up, the quicker the better. Will this be expensive? Will anyone hire you if you have a disability that is rare? Nothing mental, but it has to to with your bone structure?! Cause I have that and it's called Melorheostosis. I'm a strong girl and have been through a lot, and 3 surgeries. I'll take the critisizm, I do everyday of my life! I don't want to be judged as a "small, part time actress" just cause I got a disability.I have great grades, and responsibility.




  1. Personally I would take it easy, and to move to LA  would be absolutely ridiculous, thousands of people move to LA to become actors/actresses and end up waiting tables.

    You should just take some classes and become invloved in a local theatre group to build even more experience.

    And by the way, since when has intelligence or responsibilty helped someone become an actress? Look at almost any of the big stars these days.

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