My daughter just turned two on Sunday, and I am trying to potty train her. She hasn't been very responsive, and she thinks the whole process is a joke. Instead, she has taken up the habit of playing in her #2 (only nice way I could think of saying it). She hides in her bedroom and gets it everywhere. It makes me absolutely insane! She did it right before bedtime tonight (right after a bath!), and I made my husband clean her up because I was at my breaking point. I made her stand in the corner for a very long time until she said "I'm sorry". She knows she isn't supposed to do it because she hides and then cries when you catch her (before you actually punish her). How do I make this stop??? Is she rebelling against potty training or does she just consider this fun? She is the most hard headed out of my 3 kids, and I need some ideas quick!