
How to I get over my past and the mistakes I made?

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I let stress get to me and I walked away form the woman I love so much and now I'm living back at my parents at 27 and I feel like my life is ruined. I don't make enough to get back out on my own and now I'm sitting here feeling so ashamed of my actions of last year and I feel like I will never get over them. I don't know what to do anymore I just want to move forward but I feel as though I ruined my life. I get caught up in could of , would of should of and it effects my every day life and I find my self doing nothing but just dwelling and I feel like the whole world is moving except me because I'm stuck in my past and the mistakes I made. Any advice I would truly appreciate.




  1. You were created and made by God.  He doesn't make junk! You are a very special person and were put on earth for a special reason. Don't sit on the pity potty too long, or you will miss your opportunity to actualize God's plan for you.  Every Saint has a past. Every sinner has a future. Of course you feel bad - many of us  go through that. You may want to go to a doctor. But time will heal your wounds. Good luck and God Bless you.

  2.   Seek out a good Church and speak to the Pastor. He would be  able to help you  or guide you to someone who could counsel you to recover from the state of  dwelling in the past which will turn you into a unproductive person. Yes at your age you should be  providing for yopur loved ones, if that is the practice in your society. I am sure you will be a good worker as you are concerned for yourself in your  question.  

  3. Make a better future. If your truly unhappy then change it. I know you most likely won't appreciate this now but, do something that makes you happy... like get a job that you like! say you love animals, work at a zoo or shelter... dont be sitting on the computer wait for something to happen... make it happen. Just keep moving forward.

  4. I am almost in that situation, I am with a guy that I've been with for about 8 yrs and really things are falling apart but I love him and I can't walk away from him its to hard. I guess if you feel like you made a mistake leaving the woman you love you should try hard getting back together only if you was truely happy in the relationship. Sometimes you have to step back and see if its truely what you want. and if you realized it was a mistake to leave you should do whatever it takes to get it back

  5. Mistakes are mistakes, everyone makes them, but not everyone learns from them. Good judgment comes from mistakes, mistakes come from bad judgment. It is important to acknowledge and learn from what you have done, but don't let yesterday hold tomorrow hostage. It is true that you need to have risk in order to truly live. It is also true that if you fear losing and failing and living again, you are more afraid of life than death.

    The most important thing here is to focus on the positive things in life. You seem to be focusing on what you don't have, this is only hurting you and making it harder on you to do what you want to do. Nothing can stop you from living with your parents forever, you need to risk, and you need to stay positive to do this successfully and move on.

    If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got, if you have the mindset that your life is ruined, then it will be.

  6. You have a kind of depression. If you can, try to contact your friend again. See what response you get. Act or you will always regret it. If you act and fail, at least you tried, Talk to a friendly doctor about it but don't start taking medication yet. Just do things, go for a walk, join a club for anything you are interested in , even if it is only a slight interest. New social contact will make you feel better. Play some sport,.exercise releases endorphines in your brain and will make you feel better too.  

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