
How to I get rid of smells in my home?

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I'm 9 weeks pregnant and have discovered the smell of my house makes me feel sick. I walk in from the outdoors and literally want to throw up. I have a dog, so it smells doggy, also there's the smell of scented oils that I used to LOVE before I got pregnant. Even though I've thrown them away, they seem to have lingered. HELP! I can't deal with this anymore.





  1. I was the same way with all four of my pregnancies. I can't stand perfumes either so this is what I did:

    If guests were coming over, I would place a bowl of coffee grounds or coffee beans in the rooms inconspicuously. I really like the smell of coffee.

    For those annoying home odors from pets, feet, etc, I have a 32 ounce spray bottle filled with 1 cup white vinegar and 3 cups water. I lightly sprayed all soft surfaces and in about 20 minutes, all smells were gone including the vinegar. I use it to spray my stuff to this day with my four smelly boys an three big dogs. I use it as an air freshener as well cause the vinegar smell is gone in 5 minutes or less. This is a great all purpose cleaner spray as well, it will clean floors spotless, windows, counter tops and deodorize the bathroom.

  2. open the windows and change the air.. keep them open as long as you can each day..

    spray the air with control scent

    ask husband to wash dog more often if possible..

    bake, so the house smells of yummy baked goods

  3. open all your windows and doors all day and let it air out. Try cleaning with vinagar and water it dont leave all them scents in there it just makes it smell clean and fresh. I've also heard that if your sick to your stomach eating something with vinegar in it will calm it. If you can stand the smell of it give it a try. I clean with it all the time and it works and its cheap also

  4. Try "nutra air" spray. It takes the odor out without adding another odor.

  5. Sorry but this is part of the pregnancy. Try getting some

    'Nil Odor" which is a little green bottle about a couple of inches high at Target or Wal Mart. It has no odor itself but

    will get rid of odors in the area. You can also use dishes

    of vinegar which will remove odors. Lastly you can try

    charcoal like the stuff you buy for your bbq only don't get the ones that have a instant lighter on them just regular and they take the odor out of things. just leave a small amount of them in the corners of the room. These should get rid of the odors

    without replacing them with something else that makes you ill.

    Suggest you get someone to bath the dog for you as well.

    In a couple of months hopefully the house won't 'make you

    sick' anymore.

  6. I use fabreze spray.  Special attention to fabric covered furniture and carpeting.  For the dog.  use a dryer sheet to rub him down.  Will pick up stray hairs and leaving him smelling better.  dog like the massage as well.

  7. Open every window and door you can, let it air out that will help. Plug your nose with with tissue if you have to and wear gloves to keep it off your hands but clean everything you can with bleach, baking soda and or oxyclean. Throw it in the washer or dishwasher if you can. Find one to borrow or rent a hot water extractor or steam cleaner. Spray everything with an enzymatic cleaner. Then wash your dog.

    No scent is the only good scent when you're pregnant. Ask people to come help you.

    You need to try to kill the source, not just neutralize the odour, the odour is the by product and will keep coming back.

  8. air out the house, and maybe put baking soda around it absorbs odors?

  9. Clean linen candles work well. Or candles that have no scent. Or put dryer sheets in the bottom of your garbage can before you put the bag in.

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