ok the hacker gets people to download this program. then they key log you and wipe out your hard drive. here are the people ( or most of the story)
Someone named CP Extreme is going around and stealing passwords. He has this name for AIM. He created a key logger, then try’s to get you to download it. Once you do, your doomed. It will steal, and wipe your whole computer hard drive. It logs your passwords, program codes, and everything. Do not trust anyone with the following names, because they have the key logger, and are trying to key log people.
Star Viper
Big Red
CP Extreme
Key logger is an illegal program. Don’t even look it up. That’s a bad choice. The program is bad. If you use it, you can be fined, or put in jail.
CP Extreme tells you that he has all kinds of passwords stored on a notepad, but he doesn’t.
do not download any file from anyone. Unless you know you can trust them. People like Shawn and CP Extreme have plans to destroy you.