
How to I tell my live-in girlfriend that there are some days I just can’t ride in a car with her?

by Guest64734  |  earlier

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She is one of most epidemic “road raging” Californians you have ever seen, but has never been caught. She has a DOD clearance and will loose her job if she gets arrested for “aggressive driving”.

There are some days that I just can’t emotionally bring myself to get into a car with her, but I do just to keep out of trouble. I try my best to ignore her as she makes gestures and sneers at other drivers, bows the horn and so on. Thankfully she has tinted windows so I am not too embarrassed. Sometimes it is so bad I will get out of the car and walk.

She works right across the street from me. My co-workers often comment about the crazy driver across the street.

When she makes a wrong turn, or gets into the wrong lane she either blames my attempts to navigate or gets mad at the signs.

If we are in my Jeep she does the same from the passenger seat.




  1. something tells me she is a minx in the sack. Does that outweigh the embarrassing behavior, which I am sure does not limit itself to driving? Think with your big head, dude.

  2. Honesty is the best policy!

  3. This is a message you may be getting a bad marriage is this behaviour woth it > its just matter of time till someone gets hurt or worse

  4. That's insane, never drive with her period if you value your life.

  5. Oh God, what's keeping you from telling her straight to her face? Unless you wanna feel more embarrassment.. Think about it.

    You better talk it out if you dont intend to put up with her behavior for the rest of your life..

  6. When faced with an angry man or woman, the most important and most challenging thing to remember is not to take it personally. Other people's anger is never about you.

    Then imagine yourself in the other person's shoes and ask yourself: "If I said or did that, what might be going on with me?" See if you can guess.

    Handling people's anger by focusing your attention in these ways can free you from reacting defensively, open the way to understanding, and help you create the kinds of relationships you want in all areas of your life.

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