
How to Improve Golf Swing.?

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Hey, I'm going out for my school's golf team next year and I've been practicing, but my golf swing is lacking, I'm a pretty hefty guy with a lot of power to my swing, but when I actually hit, whatever ball I'm using it never goes anywhere, so how can I get the ball to go high and far, for a huge hit right off the tee. Any advice would help.




  1. when you say "never goes anywhere" do you mean:

    a. you miss it completely

    b. it pops up in the air about 6 inches but lands right where the tee is

    c. it goes about the same distance as your iron shots


    d. you get a flat, low drive that quickly runs out of power and lands about 200 yds away?

    d) would be the most common, and the usual fix for that is to stand more behind the tee with a higher tee to make sure your driver hits it on the upswing. see some driving diagrams for the proper placement, but everybody is different.

  2. I used to force my swing with brute strength just to get the ball fly far and get the satisfaction when I hit a bomber. But that is like 1 out of 10 chances. The rest will be all over the place except the fairway. After hearing some advise from low handicappers, I manage to slow down my swing and now they are 1 out of 10 will get wild shots while the rest of the 9 get into the centre fairway. The price to pay is a lost of 10meters. Do the mathe. You will know that it pays to slow down the swing to enjoy the game.

  3. The golf swing is all about torque and weight distribution. your probably swinging with all arms, you want to coil your body on the upswing and release on the downturn.

    If your serious get a lesson, or try asking someone on the range that can do what you can't, some will tell you to scram, but many golfers (especially the older ones) are glad to help a young upstart.

  4. i'm not a guy... and i'm deffinitly not hefty...

    but i did have an issue like that. i was trying too hard to whack it and was lifting my head up too soon.

    so just focus on lifting the ball. picture it before you hit it.

    i'm doing my school team next year too.

  5. Perhaps you should get a video clip of the proper golf swing or get the June issue of Golf Digest. TW gives the proper way to drive a golf ball. I would suggest a video clip first.The reason for saying this is simple. You must start a swing on plane in order to follow through properly. Try hitting drives only  with half swings to develop proper contact. Make sure you do a complete follow through with the belly facing the target. Set the wrists on the backswing. Flip them through the ball on the followthru. Thoroughly confused ? Practice these for awhile and notice the difference in power accuracy and distance,

  6. Take a few golf lessons.  It is difficult to teach a golf swing online.

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