
How to Improve My Left Triples.....?

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I need to know how to do this by next week. I can do a double and everything, its just when i get half way through my triple, i stop. Any tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated




  1. First of all, check your arms. Make sure that they are correctly positioned, so they don't slow you down.

    After that, what helps me most is making sure that I am pulled up out of my shoes, just standing tall, to help balence more.

    And sometimes, I feel that I get around more times by using less force, because using more force causes me to fall faster :D

    So play with the speed, try to find your center of balence, and make sure your arms are right!

    Hope that helps!

  2. When it comes to executing proper turn technique, if the student has not yet perfected other basic techniques of movement then those problems will all come home to roost. Solving these problems will probably require the instructor to break down compound problems. That is, dealing with more than one overall problem and being able to analyze the order in which the problems must be solved - examples, posture, frame, centering, connection, CPB, feet, eyes, etc.In teaching turns, you will find many students doing what is called a "walking turn". That is, they stand flat-footed on their weighted foot and attempt to turn without moving the weighted foot. This severely limits how far the student can turn, makes a lousy turn, and can create problems, pain and damage to the knees. This will not work. A good method of breaking this habit is to have the students do 1/2 turn (180 degree) Pivots down a straight line transferring weight from one foot to the other -- keeping their inner thighs together during turns. Make sure they are pressing their weighted foot into the floor allowing it to rise slightly to execute a turn. Turn technique is broken down in much greater detail elsewhere on this web site.The dancer must be centered prior to beginning a turn and must remain centered throughout the turn to its completion. Also, spotting is essential to good turn technique.  Most techniques tell the student to focus on some spot, start turning, holding on the spot as long as possible, then snapping the head around in the direction of the turn to look at the spot again. That is just too complicated in the early stages and most people never perfect the technique.  

    What you really want to do is focus on a spot, start turning your body slowly, making sure you don't move your head from concentrating on the spot.  When you have turned far enough you will be forced to allow you head to turn.  In the early stages, don't worry about snapping your head around to refocus on the spot.  Your prime concentration should be on starting the turn and holding your concentration on the spot.  If you can accomplish that part then the rest will probably come automatically.  

    For most people in the beginning, when they turn their body, their head follows.  That is a habit you have to break.  It is an "isolation" of the head that allows body to turn without the head following.  That is, until you have turned far enough that your head must follow or break off.  After mastering this "isolation" then you can start thinking about snapping the head around to refocus on the spot.

    Where to spot is the next question.  If executing a traveling turn, then you should focus on a spot in the direction of the line of travel.  If you find yourself drifting out of the line of travel,  then you are not spotting in the direction of travel.

    When executing a stationary turn, then it is a good idea to focus on a spot in the direction of the completion of the turn (normally on your partner).

    This is one great source of errors in turn technique.  In West Coast Swing, with the exception of a "cross-slot" step in the "tuck" of a "tuck-turn," all steps should be in LOD, or directly in line with the partner for stationary turns.  If you are spotting correctly, this will probably happen automatically.  However, if you are not spotting correctly, then lord only knows which direction your feet are pointing.

    hope that helped(:

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