
How to Jump Higher?

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Im 14 years old and I play basketball. I want to know how to jump higher. I have looked at Jumpsoles, Air Alert, The Vertical Bible, and other things and I dont know which one to get. People say that jumpsoles mess up knees and so does Air Alert. Which one should I get?




  1. Practice.

  2. Yeah you gotta be real careful with jumpsoles. They shouldn't be your main focus anyway; they just enhance certain training. And Air Alert has too many reps in it; that trains you for endurance and wears out your joints. VJB is definitely the best program. Check out the info at The Vertical Project is good too, but it costs almost $300. VJB is $40.

    One more piece of evidence... I've used the VJB and I have a 40 inch vert, just sayin

  3. seen good results with this:

    wall sits

    regular jumping

    net touches

    squats/hands on head

    '', hands in front

    squats holding a weight plate

    squats with bar behind head

    ankle weights with jump rope

    tip toe raises

    power rebounds

    palms on ceiling

    i found most of this online

    hope i helped ;]

  4. by buildin legs musles

    and try crouching then jump as highest u can then u crouch when u land and keep doing dat

    it hurts but it wrks

    hey dat ryhms

    oh yeah KOBE ROCKS

  5. .....stretching helps you jump higher....well it did for me.. :)  
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