I recently open a small Gift store where i make Handmade Jewerly and one of a Kind Gift Baskets. People that know me love my work and they buy from me, people that i do nto know says my work is good, I need more traffic coming in my store. Im on a main street so the location is good, But what brings people in the store, i carry Baskets, purses, jewerly, watches, but still no traffic, I made flyers, gave out my business cards, did ebay, now trying craiglist but now is trying to have people put there crafts or things thay make and put in my store on consignment how much should i charge. I thought about markining my business to other hotels, nursing homes, hospitals. But how do you do it. tried to do my web page but became stuck after the first page, welcome top view if you like. Trying to get pictures up but sem complicated. Hve my advertising on smartstartguide.com, it seems fine but the wwwpage they can't see all of it. what should i do. www.marshas-creations-baskets-gifts.com