
How to NOT become addicted to s*x after your first time?

by  |  earlier

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i done it one and now i keep doing it i want to stop but i cant say no now i try but it just happens what can i do to prevent this?




  1. First off s*x, is a great thing here in the postings of  "Trying to Concieve". Secondly maybe you should post your question in a different spot. And lastly to answer your question , You NEED to be safe and protect yourself.  You could always try to go to a therapist and talk about it. It is a real problem for some people. My cousin has it and it can wreck lives so if you think you have it bad and CAN'T stop then please talk to someone about it and if you do DO it, please protect yourself. Good Luck

    try checking out this website it should give you some insite

  2. Once you wake it up, it's hard to put it back to sleep.

    Read the book ' Kissed the girls and Made them cry"

  3. You are not addicted per say.. when your body first experiences sexual pleasure it just keeps wanting more. Yes it seems like you always have to have it, but eventually it will ease up. Don't give into it, find other ways to unexert yourself or if you are going to not try and prevent being addicted to s*x please use protection and/or get on the pill.

  4. keep your legs crossed! sorry I hope this isn't a joke and if not than I'm sure you can get psychological help for it...but the trying to conceive section is not the place to post this question.

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