
How to NOT lose teeth??

by  |  earlier

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I have a bunch of loose teeth, and a really loose one is on my top teeth.

Picture day is in like a month for my school and I really don't wanna lose any teeth. It's hard though.

Please help!




  1. Use a straw.

  2. that's what is happening to me and its starts like that i feel a tooth get loose and then a month later it falls out. i have lost 4 already..i was told it a gum disease and i can not do anything about it other then get false teeth in..i had a set of false but i lose more teeth and now the set wont hold due to not having the support of the other teeth to hold the denture... i was told that if you use water and salt it will help but it didnt help me any...go to dentist before you get to my stage

  3. smash with hammer then you dont have to worry about it!


  4. maybe you shouldnt eat? jk just eat soft food, and dont press on them with your tounge

  5. if you loose your teeth before picture day, smile with your mouth closed.

    a lot of kids have to go through this dont worry. its just a picture.

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