
How to Ollie On A Skateboard?

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Ive watched tons of videos on youtube on how to ollie. But they still dont help much. Does anyone have some tips?




  1. first you have to push your back foot down and at the same time slide your front foot up


    the official skateboard help website featuring the 2 famous owners

    tony and riley hawk

  3. its not one motion, its actually 3 separate motions.

    the pop: where you jump with your back foot, pushing the tail into the concrete.

    you bend your front knee up when you pop and drag your front foot at a 45 degree angle forward, this is what actually gets the board off the ground because when you do this, it drags the back end up.

    then when it gets to the top, you want both feet to be level with the ground.

    then lower both feet simultaneously.

    its like pop, scoop, bam!

  4. You have to figure it out yourself. As long as you have an idea of how to do it you should be okay. It took me two or three days to do an ollie and about 5 or 6 weeks to do a moving ollie.

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