
How to One Up a Catty B*tch at Work?

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How do you outsmart someone who has you beat with experience at being a conniving biyotch? She is a supervisor and lies to the upper management about EVERYONE. She has made them think that most of the people that work there are incompetent and lazy. She has worked there for like 6 years so she has gotten in good with the bosses and they trust her, but they shouldn't. SHE LIES! Fortunately, the bosses like me, so how do I beat her at her own game? I want her gone, but fear I am no match for this evil soulless witch ...Ewwww, if they only knew the things she has done to hurt people, good people, who ended up quitting or getting fired because of her c**p...I can't prove any of it. They wouldn't believe it-so it has to be subtle. What kind of things can I do to ruin her-and what kind of rumors can I spread to make her life miserable and get her fired eventually? No lectures--because let me tell you this woman deserves it and if the antichrist were a woman I would say I'd found her...




  1. oooh, I'm sure the bosses know and are waiting for a great opportunity and moment to fire her.  And when this happens, you will be entertained.

  2. The best way to beat just that..beat her.  Work harder and do a better job.  The truth of the matter is ...the bosses probably only truly care about her work...not all the other "c**p" that she does or doesn't do.  Chances are they don't care about all the other stuff as long as "business is good'.  If she's making them money...that's the bottom line.  If you want her'll have to out preform her.

  3. Start by getting pictures of her with the married boss. Befriend her, put a tape recorder in your bra, and get her to admit a bunch of stuff over drinks. Then tell the bosses she was sabotoging people's jobs, causing trouble, and causing a hostile work environment. You got evidence because you were concerned for your own safety. You are bringing it to their attention because you thought they'd want to know since you've heard rumors of staff suing the company over it.

  4. In this situation there isn't really much you can do. If you do fight back you risk losing, not only against her but your job. With people like that you just let them do as they please, and you keep doing your job. If you see an oppurtunity to prove to the bosses what a witch she is, take it. But if not don't try setting her up, don't start rumours, let her own stupidity get her caught in a lie and trust me it will happen. It may not be soon and you'll have to be patient with it but she'll get what she deserves...eventually.

  5. If somehow one of the wives of one of the bosses she's not sleeping with finds out that she's sleeping with the boss she is sleeping with the S**t will hit the fan and she'll be out of there so fast that her head will spin.  The wife of the boss she is sleeping with might never find out and you would be doing a good deed for her because the hobag will be history.

    Now just think of a way to get the information to the wife that you think can do the most (and the least to the cheated on wife) damage and you'll be rid of her forever.

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