
How to PREPARE for ORAL exam?

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I'm having an oral exam in foreign language this coming Monday

Do you have tips on how to prepare myself?

I mean on appearance, speech and especially quick thinking

I'll be given a topic and I'll have to give my thoughts on it

I know it might be a bit too late but do you have some tips?

Will really appreciate it

Thanks a lot




  1. Yes You need to keep your throat wet and also if your near the interviewer then have a mint before.

    Try to look up the general topics that are covered in the past interviews through friends or local bookstores.

    Try not to stress too much take it lightly and try to dress casually and keep eye contact and keep smiling a little during the process.

  2. practice in front of a friend as if that friend is the teacher and

    dress very conservatively. also,keep your throat moist and

    i wish you only the best my friend. good luck!! you will do well.

  3. Dress in soothing colours like blue, stay away from red it can be seen as too agressive. Dress neatly in clean clothes. When talking look at the back row of people these people need to hear you too. If you can't standing looking at the people look just over the tops of their heads. Use personal knowledge of the subjuct so you have connection to what you are talking about, it's an easier sell to the audience. Take several deep breathes b4 entering the room.

  4. make sure your throat isnt dry

    so be sure to like drink something before you start the exam

    you dont want your voice to start getting scratchy during the exam

    also try to relax

    if your nervous your probably not gonna do your best

    hope this helps:)

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