
How to Run Track?

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I really want to run track for my High School (i'll be a freshman in the fall). I haven't been to any of their meets or practices so I don't know much about their specific team, but do you have any general tips for how to train and what try outs will be like? Also, I'm not the fastest person around, so I'm looking for tips to kick up my speed two! Please help me! Thx




  1. there are sprinters, mid distance, and distance runners and field events if your very very fast your events are most likely the 100m 200m and 400m dashes if you have ok speed your but run can run certain distances your event is the 800m dash if you can keep a really long good pace your a distance runner and your event is the mile field events are events like jumping and throwing things

  2. practice running a little each day so you will get better!!! track and field is so much fun!!!

  3. go a little faster than walking, then to a brisk jog, then full out sprint!

  4. Hey! Its great that you want to be a track runner. Running track is a lot of run, a lot of hard work but its also very rewarding.

    In track you are either a sprinter or a long-distance runner.

    Do you know whether you want to be yet?

    ( i can give you more specifics if you do)

    Either way you need to start training NOW. Just go out and run a mile. You may have to walk some of it, but you will improve very quickly. Run every single day. You may want to buy a book for beginning runners. Remember to stretch after each and every run.

    At my school, we don't have try-outs. Anyone can run. Idk how it is at your school. But DO NOT give up. The first practice is always the hardest. Once you get used to it, you will enjoy it!

    Just to give you a better idea of track, here is a small list of the events:


    -400m ( one lap around track)

    -200m( half a lap, i.e. a straight away and a curve)

    -300m(all of the track, minus one straightaway)

    -100m( one straight away)

    -55m( about half of a straight away)

    [[also the hurdles are included in sprints]]


    -mile ( 4 laps, aka the 1600)

    - 2 mile(8 laps, aka the 3200)

    -800( 2 laps)

    ---there are some more events, but i can't think of them all, also these events vary depending on whether you are running indoor track or outdoor track.

    ( indoor = winter, outdoor = spring)

    good luck, have fun!!!

  5. You should get in contact with the coach. If everything has already begun, you may not be allowed to try out for the team until next season. You should find out now. The coach can also let you know what you need to be doing to train.

  6. unlikely to not make the team, track/field is a big team, well at my school. If you're specifically gonna be a runner, then i think you should run couple miles a day at a local track or around you're neighborhood. Go to the gym and lift weights with those legs so that your legs get more powerful, with powerful legs you will be faster.
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