
How to Save Big on Vet Bills?

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I own chickens and they have been taking a big chunk out of my wallet. Between their food, supplements, vet care, etc... I also just paid $600 for an autopsy to see why one of my chickens died. Please don't tell me they are just chickens, because they are my babies. I love them just as anyone would love a dog or even their kid. I need some tips though on how to save on vet bills. It is having a big impact on my wallet. I only feed organic feed to my chickens, which is very expensive. It seems like vet bills keep rising! is there anyway I can save on the vet bills? Can I get pet health insurance for chickens? If I ever have a situation that I cannot afford, will the SPCA help me at all? Would a pet store give me a loan or something? Do veterinarians accept payment plans? I do everything to keep my chickens healthy. All four of my hens are currently very healthy. I feed them organic feed too.




  1. Elizabeth! You are mighty attractive! Haha!

    But seriously, the best thing, to do when you're trying to save on Vet Bills is to, 1: get pet health insurance (Yes, you will be able to get them for your chickens. under a catagory of Farm Animals or, Other.) Vets DO accept payment plans. KEEP feeding your chickens organic feed. And shop around when it comes to vets, use the few options you have and RESEARCH,RESEARCH,RESEARCH.

    And of course I wont say, "They're just chickens." I understand fully.

    Honestly, I dont see a pet store giving you a loan. At all. No offense.

    Yeah, the SPCA will help you if you have a situation you cant handle.

    ...I think thats it? Is that it? lol. I hope I helped.

  2. Get a life.  As for the food you are feeding them, just because it is organic does not mean it is any better than other foods that are less expensive.  I have never heard of health insurance for chickens, and doubt if the SPCA will help you and pet stores would only laugh.  Yes, there are vets that will accept a payment plan.  Chickens can be susceptable to a lot of different diseases.  Just make sure the chicken house is kept clean, that's the main thing.  Make sure they always  have lots of clean water.  Letting them roam in the yard during the day can prove to be very healthy for them, also.  Just make sure they are back in the coop at night so they are safe from predators.  If I were you, I would go to the feed store and find a good alternative to the expensive organic feed you are using.  There is no proof that it is any better than other feeds.  Having pets is like having kids....if you can't afford them, don't have them...

  3. the ASPCA WONT HELP YOU,Don't take them in for every little thing if it is something you can cure at home try that option first do research ask your vet for advice(if you have a good vet they will give you advice over the phone)health insurance for pets is USELESS heres why you have to pay the vet anyways and then wait in the mail for your it is still going to impact your wallet and it can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks to receive your refund.Another thing I cant believe you spent 600 bucks just to find out how your rooster died seriously come on lets be realistic those 600 bucks you could of put into food and supplies for your current chickens.I think you are going a little over board with the chickens no pet is just a pet but I wouldnt spend 600 bucks for an autopsy of a cockatiel passed this june I didnt have the vet do an autopsy I know I kept her clean and fed her what I was supposed too she was just old and died of natural causes.

  4. Talk to your Vet they will usaully work something out, We medicate a lot of our birds for problems that we already know about. Anything new we take them in.

    Vet do accept payment plans if you talk to them and be up front with them.

    The SPCA is setup to handle Dogs and Cats. They will be having Chicken soup after you bring in you birds.. They can not handle the Dogs and Cats they have, so why would they want your birds.

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