
How to Start a Scooter rental Business in Florida ?

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Im looking into Starting a scooter rental Business here in Florida, Where should I start ?

2nd question would I get wholesale prices with scooter companies like Buddy scooters if I only rent the scooters ?





  1. check out your liability insurance costs first of all.

    That just might stop you in your tracks, and you will have to have it.

  2. go to daytona beach , there are a lot of places there

  3. You're going to need a place that can handle a lot of parking spaces for customers, a bunch of dollars to buy scooters (figure at least 20 of them), insurance to cover inexperienced riders (they may ride Harleys to you business, but scooters is different), phone system (not cellular!), computers and programming, staff and payroll for the staff, more insurance to cover the business, repair services, business licenses . . . .

    Ok, there's a couple hundred  thousand $$$$ and it can only go up, most likely.

    Sorry to bear such news, but you need facts, not flowers.


  4. i would start by talking to a business insurance professional finding out what type and what cost of insurance you will need, you will need some type of liability and business insurance, suppose some dummy wrecks a scooter and claims its your fault and start a lawsuit against you

  5. A Scooter rental business.. that sounds nice.  

    Joe is right.  Business insurance will be one of your first considerations.. I don't know how that will differ from standard insurance.  I actually suggest calling Geico at the grassroots level first rather than calling independant business insurance slicksters.

    Have you chosen a location?  The best areas would likely be touristy, yet quieter (trafficwise) places.

    I believe I saw a Scooter rental place around Flagler Beach.. that being said, you would want to figure out how much competition is in the area.  Being the only one sounds like the best bet.

    Next, what are the local road laws on scooters?  I don't know if these vary by community, but other things might.. like theft rates, police harassment, etc.  Local insurance rates also make a good consideration.

    You will need a business permit.. Set up a fictitious business I might use "Pat's Buzzoff Pest Service" for a company name.  (I don't know if you are familiar with setting up a business but this is very common and the State site listed below  will tell you how.. You post the name of the business using a local paper under the Legal column classifieds. It will require using an address.  Use a post office box at first, because you will be bombarded with junk mail. Altogether that should run you less than $100.)  You will be required  to file business taxes quarterly.  You will need to know special regulations or licenses that may pertain to your particular business.. contact state and local government.

    If you are only going to rent the scooter, you will be seen as competition to a renter if they are local.Legally, you will likely need to inform them that you are rerenting to others, and that might not be allowed. I'm not familiar with Buddy scooters..  

    Buying them.. hey price around.. it's a big country and maybe it's worth traveling a little to get the best bargain or maybe they will deliver. Talk to the managers and let them know you may buy a lot and that you plan to start a rental business and you will be more likely to get better rates.

    You could start small and build up.. You may only need a little ticket box (like those ones that sell discounted tickets for Disney), a cell phone, and permission to be on someone's parking lot.. which will cost you.. but if you're in a quiet well-positioned strip mall, they may welcome you with open arms for the business that you bring because those scooter riders may want to also buy a soda at one of their stores, etc.

    Good luck! :)

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