
How to Stop Wasting Food?

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as an individual, community, nation....

any good idea??




  1. Interesting question!

    My first suggestion would be for most fast-food restaurants to go to a "made to order" model. The amount of food wasted by anticipating demand and being wrong is staggering, and that extra four minutes at the counter won't kill anyone.

    Second would be an honest appraisal of realistic portion size, and alter cooking, both commercial and home, accordingly. Restaurants plate food so that you cannot walk out hungry, as no one wants to still be hungry when paying for food. You end up with two to four times what a "normal" serving would be, and people unconciously adjust their portions at home to match what they got at the Sizzler Steak House, and end up wasting quite a bit of food. (Both in the concept of "in the trash" and in the concept of "just eating too much").

    I think those two things would go a long way to helping!

  2. Individual:  Know how much you eat and get that quantity.  I've always done that from as long as I remember.  And during those rare times where you get more than you can eat, feel bad when you have to throw it away.  OR you can put it in the fridge with the intention of eating it later and when it goes bad you won't feel bad about throwing it away.

    Community:  As a community, I would say just doing the individual thing would work.  

    Nation:  Make a law that all fast food places must give cooked food they can't sell when they're about to close to the last car in the drive thru, the last person ordering inside, or the employees.  I would hate to see good fast food go to waste.  I actually lucked up a time or two on that.  I got all my food free plus extra food at a drive thru when I was the last person in line.  I gave them my credit card and they said it didn't go through.  So they said don't worry about it and gave me my food plus extra.  I NEVER waste fast food so I ate all of it and shared some with a friend.

  3. One I've always noticed and been appalled by is how much food is wasted at buffets.  Not just by children but by adults as well. At one of our local pizza buffets I've seen people get huge plates of pizza and literally just pull the toppings off and toss HEAPS of crust.

    Starting making people pay for the waste as well.  People don't realize how good they have it with being able to go to a buffet and gorge themselves if they choose to.  Many people would consider that mound of pizza crust a feast.

    We really do take our lives for granted, maybe we can all wise up soon. GREAT QUESTION!

  4. Do not take more than you can eat.

  5. only take what you are going to eat.    Restaurants, bakeries, any food source should donate day old food to shelters, food banks, churches etc and have a day a week or so to feed the hungry.  All they do is throw the food away what doesnt get used.  That is disgraceful.   Blood banks have donors can put food there for them too.  Many things to do.

    extra food being thrown away can be distributed to animals too.  I take apples and pears from trees to feed to buffalo at a wildlife converservation center at south park game preserve.

  6. Well, perhaps we could start in America, by utilizing the food mountain they are storing up. Instead of amassing it, they could distribute it among those ppl of the world who really need it right now.

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