
How to Talk to my Little Brother about s*x?

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Okay, so i am raising my little brother. Hes 12, almost thirteen and i am twenty one. I know that i should talk to him about s*x and all of that stuff but its kinda hard, him being a boy. Should i talk to him about it or would it be better if i had my boyfriend talk to him about it?




  1. It's important that your brother be comfortable with the person who talks to him.  If you trust your bf, then have him do it.  Most guys are more comfortable talking about this stuff with other guys.  Also, there are some things that your bf  will be able to discuss that you won't.  Don't do this together - your presence will cause them both no to be as open.

  2. If your boyfriend is willing, may be better for him to do the "talk" or perhaps find another male relative like an uncle or cousin that could help out. It would be much better coming from a guy than from you, the parent figure in his life.  Plus being female, he might be embarrassed or not ask questions he might ask a guy.

  3. If the child is attending an approved school curriculum most states have required course regarding these matters. Also when you say you are "raising" your little brother, do you have parental custody, adoption papers, and or legal guardianship of the child?  The person recognized by the state has the primary responsibility for his development. If you are not recognized as such, you could very well be meddling in other peoples business, not unlike you telling any child anywhere how to act, live, and what they should "know".  

  4. Have a quick talk with him, and then ask your boyfriend to talk to him too. Its easier for boys to talk about that stuff, but its important for him to know that he can always come to you for help also.  

  5. First off, i would like to pride you on what you're doing, taking care of your younger brother.

    Secondly, i would like to say that neither of my parents had "the talk" with me..  But, in your case, i think i'd rather talk about s*x with a boy, as opposed to a girl.

    So, i'd send your boyfriend in to do the task.

    (But, i would listen in...  like behind closed doors.)

  6. he's 12 and he doesnt know about s*x.

    most kids know befor they were 5. they just act like they dont in front of grown people.

    i mean wheres he been at that he dont know about s*x.

  7. this is my personal opinion but i think both you and your boyfriend should talk to him together  

  8. Wow! that's a lot of responsibility for someone so young. Congrats on taking that on and asking the important questions....

    I defiantly think you should talk to him and maybe your boyfriend too. Let him ask questions openly anytime and not just during the "discussion." think back to when you were his age and what questions you had. Then go on from there. How did your parents talk to you about s*x? What would you have done different?  

  9. If you boy friend is willing, it is definitely much better that he talks to him.  Your brother may have some questions that only a man can answer.  And it's not really something a young guy wants to discuss with his sister.

    Another idea -- go to a large book store or look on for a book for teenage boys that explain the changes their bodies go through and about sexuality.  Buy it and ask your boyfriend to give it to him when the two of them are alone and you are out of the house on an errand.  Your boyfriend and you may want to read it first, in case your brother has questions.  But get your boyfriend to answer the questions.  He can brief you later about your brother but your brother does not have to know that you know at this age.  It will just make him 'clam up' and not ask questions which he may think will sound stupid.

  10. Get your boyfriend to do it. Its a guy thing.

  11. does he go to school ?? if he does, just let the school teach him if your too embarrassed

  12. I'm actually in the same position, sort of. I'm 16 and my sister has been raising me since I was 9, her being 23 when she took me in. Both she and her fiance approached me about s*x when I was about thirteen and talked to me about it, and I was grateful to have both of them.

    But, that was only because I was very close to them both. I think it'd be best to talk to him yourself, unless he and your boyfriend are close, then having both of you there could be helpful, seeing as your boyfriend could probably answer some questions a bit better. Like I said, it depends on how comfortable you think he is with your boyfriend.

  13. i think your bf should since ther both guys i think it might be easyer for him and not be that frustrated.......and if you consider your bf talking to him tell him not ot take it to far

  14. I think if he is close to your boyfriend it may make your brother more comfortable. I do agree with you though, he should be told about s*x anyway. There is a lot more to s*x than what they hear from their friends.

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