
How to Tip Blackjack Dealers?

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I'm going to Vegas and I've heard that you should tip the blackjack dealer. I want to tip well. How do I go about doing this though? Do I just give them money or do I give them chips? I don't mind tipping a lot, in fact that is what I plan on doing. But, if I have to tip in chips, I don't know how many I would tip because I don't want to loose all my chips.




  1. Most dealers prefer to have the player place a bet for them.  On BJ, simply place a chip (or chips) directly in front of the circle on the table that contains your bet, towards the dealer.  You'll look like a pro, the dealer will win when you win, everyone will be happy!

    On craps, the dealer bet (called a "Toke" rather than a tip by the way) is placed directly beside your bet on the pass line, same with odds - behind theirs and beside yours.  Propositions bets (hardways, etc.) can be made for the dealers as well - just throw the money to the stick person and say "two-way ... (hard 10, whatever)" and they'll know you want a bet for both yourself and them on the prop.

    Dealers can't ask for a bet, but if you ask them they are allowed to explain how it's done properly.  Have fun & win!

  2. If you want to tip the blackjack dealer you do it with chips, there are two ways to go about it.  First you can just give them a tip, they can't take anything directly from your hand so just toss it gently to them and say, "This is for you."  The other option is playing it for them, which most will prefer.  You just place their bet in front of your betting circle.  If your hand wins the dealer will pay your bet and theirs and then collect their bet at the end of the hand.  How much to tip is up to you.  If you're playing lower limits, $1-2 a hand or every few hands is fine.  If you're playing larger limits, $25 or more, $5 is a good bet.  A good way to gauge how much to play for the dealer is to bet in the denomination 1 lower than the one you're betting in.  No dealer expects you to tip them if you are losing, so don't worry about running out of chips by tipping.  It is a good idea to show appreciation for a good run though, even if you are down.  Toss a chip or two their way and say something like, "I'm still down, but thanks for bringing me back a bit."  Word spreads among the dealers about good tippers and you'll be treated a lot better.

    If you want to be super george (great tipper) then bet at least $5 a hand for the dealer, more if you're winning.

    Have fun in Vegas!  Good luck!

  3. throw some chips their way.  as above 1-2 is fine, more if you are up a lot.  or you can place a bet for them.  ask the dealer how to do this.  i place bets when i am up.  they usually get more this way.

  4. Tipping is the same for craps and blackjack. You will always tip with chips. Dealers cannot accept straight cash at all.

    You can tip the dealer just as you do with a waitress at a restaurant - if you feel you are getting good service. I never tip a grumpy or unfriendly dealer. I always tip a nice dealer $1-$2 every few hands. And if I am winning a good amount, I would even tip a few more dollars. I friendly dealer can make gambling a great experience so they should be rewarded.

    Good luck out in Vegas!!

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