
How to Video Post?

by  |  earlier

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How do you post a video but nobody sees it unless they are friends with you..or do you know how to send a video but only through e-mail? Hurry I need help..=]




  1. You can make your blog accessible only to friends by going to your home page and on the right hand side of the page are your communications and publications privacy settings.. choose friends only from the drop down menu and then go to the bottom of the page and save it.

    To place a video on your blog, you use the html option available to you.

    On the top of your composer is the  html option check box..

    place some text into the composer and then check the box.

    Go to the place your video is stored at and get the html embedding code from that page copy it and then paste the code into your composer.. uncheck the box.. finish your blog and post it.

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