
How to Wager at Phoenix Greyhound Park?

by Guest58730  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Phoenix Greyhound Park in Arizona has been open for more than 40 years and is one of the busiest tracks in the United States. Can you help me know, some of the effective ways to Wager at Phoenix Greyhound Park?




  1. Dear Grey2K members, you guys are a bunch of over dramatic hippies, why is it on every forum you people come attacking it with your bull c**p raves on the sport of greyhound racing... The question was on how to wager at phoenix greyhound park... The question wasnt an opinion on your take of the sport it was simply how to wager... Society hates people like you... Arizona is in a huge budget crunch right now, and so is the rest of the united states, alot of the money comes from these type of sporting events. When tracks close down due to your ignorant opinions, or stuid protest, policemen, firefighters, teachers and so on get layed off... So when you think your helping these animals your hurting society and the system we all live in, some of my friends work at tracks and take very good care of there dogs and they care for them as if they were personal pets...and yes just like in everything in life you get a couple of bad seeds and they ruin it for some, but those individuals are singled out and sent there own way. I know i cant convince GREY2K's brainwashed opinions and views, but for people who do like the sport or learning more about it, GREY2K is a hardcore anti greyhound "club" with very imbellished OPINIONS and extreme views on the greyhound industry, there opinions and views are not always true but yes dogs get hurt dogs some times are in bad hands but majority of the people who have greyhounds care and dont due what GREY2K claims of doing...

  2.  I would like to applaud the comments that Guest2430209 made.  The closing of Phoenix Greyhound Park is a sign of the times.  As more and more people discover the fact that Greyhound racing is cruel and inhumane, more and more people are turning their backs on this cruel 'sport'.

    Greyhounds endure lives of nearly constant confinement, kept in cages barely large enough for them to turn around.  While racing, many dogs suffer and die from injuries including broken legs, paralysis, and cardiac arrest.  And many greyhounds are euthanized every years, as the number retired from racing exceeds the number of adoptive homes.

    Dogs play an important role in our lives and deserve to be protected from industries and individuals that do them harm. -Val Wolf, Board Member GREY2K USA




  3. Mercifully, Phoenix Greyhound Park closed Dec. 19, 2009, and will never reopen. The City of Phoenix now owns the site. Greyhound racing in Phoenix is dead, dead, dead like the thousands of dogs that died, were injured, sick or lame in name of sport.

    You can read about the injuries here

  4. #

    The dogs run live at Phoenix only at night because of the blistering daytime heat in Phoenix. Post-time for the first race is 7:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday and at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. The race cards at Phoenix are longer than the standard 15 events, with up to 18 being run on the weekends. Phoenix is the western-most track in the United States, meaning that it is the last dog track available at most simulcasting outlets.

    Concentrate on finding the leader in the race. Phoenix is known as a speed track, meaning the leaders often hold up to at least make the ticket and often wind up winning the event. The 550-yard track record at Phoenix is a sizzling 29.54 seconds, one of the quickest times at any greyhound racing facility ever run.

    Don’t overlook the exotic wagers. Phoenix has two Twin-Trifecta wagers per performance, a Tri-Super bet, a Pick-Four, a $2 exacta available every race and dime superfectas as well. The dime superfectas are especially attractive as you can cover many potential combinations for a dime apiece, with payoffs often in the hundreds of dollars.

    Watch for Phoenix’s elite dogs in the AA grade. Phoenix has a standard grading ladder with the Maidens going to Grade D when they win and advancing up to C,B, and A. The top grade at Phoenix is AA, where it takes just two times out of the money to drop back to Grade A. This means that the cream of the crop compete in AA against greyhounds that are in top form.

    Always take a good long look at the one dog. The one hole produces the most winners at almost every track due to the fact that there are no dogs to the left of the greyhound breaking from it; at Phoenix the bias is even more exaggerated. If your choices come down to the racer wearing that red blanket or another dog, lean toward the one.

    Read more: How to Wager at Phoenix Greyhound Park |

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