
How to Wager on Grade B Greyhound Races?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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One of the toughest levels of talent for players to handicap in dog racing is the Grade B race. Can you help me know, what are the ways to place a bet on Grade B Greyhound Races?




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    Beware the puppies. Grade B is where things start to get really hard for youngsters that have sailed on up the grading ladder. There is usually much more rushing speed in a Grade B race as compared to a C or a D, making it harder for those who need the lead to get it. Come from behind types that have been letting dogs go to the lead only to run them down will find the traffic much more severe in Grade B. Until these pups show high performance in Grade B, wager with caution.

    Watch for drop downs from A that are showing a recent good effort from the box they have drawn. If a dog has shown in the not-too-distant past that it can handle that post position in A then its odds in B should increase.

    Bet on dogs that had the lead in A before dropping down. Just because a dog got picked up in it’s A race doesn’t mean that it cannot hold on in B. In Grade A it was probably being pressed quite hotly by a speed runner that had similar ability, tiring it out so that the closers could come get it. In B this same dog can get to a lead and coast without being pressed. It might come up short, but still hold on to run first or second.

    Check for dogs coming out of stakes events into B contests. Some of the top Grade A dogs will fall to B after having trouble in stakes races at either their own track or another facility. When they wind up in B don’t look the gift horse in the mouth and try to find a dog capable of beating it.

    Ignore veterans that have won two in a row in order to climb to B. They have won a D and C and look in fine form but they rarely can complete the hat trick and win. However they will go off at lower odds than normal due to what the public sees in the program. Only take a chance on this type of racer if it has an outstanding post position. These dogs make better second and third place choices than winners.

    Read more: How to Wager on Grade B Greyhound Races |

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