
How to Wager on Pick-Threes at Grey Hound Dog Tracks?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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The pick-three at dog tracks is a wager that is an expanded version of the standard daily double. Can you help me know, how to Wager on Pick-Threes at Grey Hound Dog Tracks?




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    Pick the winners of three consecutive races. When a pick-three is offered, as it is twice a performance at some tracks, you must choose the winner of all three races it involves. The pick-three is often near the beginning of a performance and toward the latter half.

    Wager the pick-three before the start of the first of the trio of races. Go to the pari-mutuel clerk and ask for a pick-three, then say the numbers you want. If you feel that the "3" dog will win the first pick-three race, the "7" in the second, and the "5" is your choice in the third, ask for a “pick-three of 3-7-5.” Before you wager on a pick-three, ask the clerk if there is a minimum dollar value. Some tracks require it to be at least a $2 wager.

    Use part-wheels in your pick-three wager if you are undecided about some of the races. An example would be if you really liked the "2" dog in the first leg and the "6" in the second, but were up in the air between the "4" and "5" in the last leg. You could bet a pick-three of 2-6 with the 4 and 5, covering both dogs in the last leg. This would cost you double the minimum amount since there are two separate combinations.

    Try more complicated part wheels when you see a favorite in one leg that you think will be beaten. Pick-threes can have some very good payoffs when the favorites fail to produce, but it isn’t likely someone is going to have a winning ticket by focusing on just one dog in each race. If you see a dog that you know will garner lots of the betting action but don’t think it can win, expand your chances by betting multiple dogs to win in that leg.

    Remember that there can be “alls” in a pick-three. An “all” is when a combination that comes in is not covered, meaning nobody has all three winners on one ticket. In such a case, the track pays out to those with two out of the three winners, and in rare cases, to people with one out of three winners. If there have been high-odds greyhounds winning in the first two legs, be aware that there’s the possibility of an all, and don’t throw away your tickets. Tracks will post the potential pick-three payoffs after the second leg, and you will see if there are any uncovered combos.

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