
How to Wager on a Greyhound Daily Double?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Every greyhound racing performance begins with one of the staples of the wagering world, the Daily Double. Can you help me know, how to Wager on a Greyhound Daily Double?




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    Start the night off right. The Daily Double is perhaps the simplest "gimmick" wager in parimutuel betting. It involves coupling the winner of the first race with the winner of the second race. A separate wagering pool is maintained for the Daily Double, with the payoff to the gamblers coming out of this pool. The true Daily Double is always held in the first two races, but some tracks have added what is known as a Late Double, another Daily Double in the latter stages of the performance. There is always more money in the first Daily Double pools, as everyone has cash in his pocket at the beginning of the card.

    Take a chance! Choosing two favorites in the Daily Double won't get you a large sum of money in return if you are correct. A pair of "chalk," or highly favored greyhounds, will often give you a Daily Double worth less than $20. If you can handicap the double correctly and one of the dogs is a long shot, then the chances of getting back more than $50 is enhanced. Two long odds racers in the Daily Double have a chance of making you substantially richer, as few people will have that combination, making it possible to have payoffs in the hundreds of dollars. The largest Daily Double payoff ever was a $3,111 doozy at Raynham In Massachusetts in 1999.

    Cover all the bases in the second half. There are different strategies to playing the Daily Double. One is to couple a greyhound that you favor in the first half with a few dogs in the second half. Some gamblers take this even further and "front-wheel the double." This involves betting the greyhound you think will win the first race with every dog in the second race. This wager costs $16 to make on a $2 base bet and insures that if you have the first half right, you will hit the double.

    "Back-wheel the double" if you really like a greyhound in the second race, playing all the dogs in the first race with your dog in the second. The cost once again is $16, and this is one of the few wagers you can make that you will know what it will pay beforehand, as the possible Daily Double payoffs are on most track's television monitors after the first race has gone official. Daily Double odds are usually scrolling before the first race as well, showing what the various combos can pay.

    Play your age. The Daily Double is one wager that many handicappers will throw away the program on and simply play their age. If you are 36 years old, for instance, you can play the 3-6 Daily Double. Remember though that there are only eight dogs in a greyhound race. This means that if you are 39 years old you can't play your age since there is no 9 dog in the second half of the Daily Double. You are out of luck if your age ends with 9 or 0! House numbers are often played, as are birthdays and the ages of children. Hard-core handicappers will shake their heads at such folly, but often these numbers come in, with decent payoffs.

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