
How to accept a supporting role?

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I have auditions for Beauty and the Beast at a local theater in a few months. I have worked there before, and the past few years I have received lead roles. But, this year, I have a gut feeling that I won't get the part that I want (Belle). I just don't think I can play it well enough, and my voice is not strong enough and there are way too many other people who deserve the part. How can I master the part of Belle?/How can I learn to accept a supporting role and make it shine?




  1. Try your heart out to be Belle, but if you don't get it: then that's ok.

    Even the greatest of stars don't always play the lead. You have to remember that.  

  2. Heath Ledger was a supporting role in "The Dark Knight." It's not about the size of the role, it's about the effort put into it. Even in "Beauty and the Beast" the servants roles have always upstaged the leads.

  3. Ok, you're never going to get Belle if you think like this! Be confident. You've taken the lead before! You can do it again. If you audition with a girl who is A LOT better than you, don't let it intimidate you. If you get the role of Belle then bring everything to it, treat it like a job. And be sensitive to others who didn't get it. I know all about the stupid gut feeling, and if it's right and you get a supporting role, first just be thankful you got a role! Then give it your all. Many times audiences like supporting characters better than the main ones because they provide the comic relief! I'm not pretending that it's not going to hurt if you don't get the lead. But don't let it hinder you from being all you can be! Practice your part as if you were the lead, as if it was as important to the plot as Belle, because it is!

    And before you go into the auditon? Prepare like you have before, and say to yourself, "I really can do this, you know. I've done it before, haven't I? Then that means I can do it again!" And remember that directors look for confidence, not arrogance or insecureness.

    Good luck with Beauty and the Beast!! :-))

  4.    Well for one thing, I suggest one should feel fortunate to get ANY role, and you already state you feel others might be more deserving.

       Life,,,as I just suggested to another young lady, is about tolerance, acceptance, and even modest, non degrading compromise. If you can master those, then anything you do can be fulfilling.

       I'm not saying that you shouldn't apply yourself in an attempt to be Belle, but if you accept a lesser role offered, you should still play it as passionately, to the best of your ability, as you would with any other effort you make in your life.

       No offense at all but you seem to think you may have a lock on some supporting role, no matter. I hope for your sake that's the case, but expectations are often disappointing.

  5. just dazzle the script up a little more ask if you can make changes

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