
How to accept that you are unattractive?

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I have a new teacher for math, and he puts all the attractive people in the front of the class. It sounds like a joke, but it is true with all of his classes, and you can see that from looking at them. This has gone on for years and isnt a coincidence. The thing is, I sit in the very back. =[ I guess I subconsciously knew all along I was unattractive because its all seeming to piece together, but I feel really horrible. What can I do?




  1. In the end it's self-confidence that makes the difference. That's what attracts people to you. Your teacher is a pedophile and I would almost suggest talking to a councilor about it.

    Seriously though, don't base your self-esteem on whether or not some douchebag teacher doesn't think you're hot.

  2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I'm sure you can think of some people you find attractive, and your friends don't agree with you.  It is unfortunate that your teacher seems to be playing favorites, but don't allow his stupidity to make you feel bad about yourself.  You may not fit the "ideal", but I bet once you get out of high school, you'll see that your own kind a beauty has a lot of admirers.

  3. Why dont you just ask the teacher  why is that in every class he puts all the good looking people in front of the class and that everyone knows this is what he does in every class

    you are not unattractive ..he is a pervert

  4. I think you should take it up with the principle, and tell her/him about this.  He may or may not be able to help you, but at least he'll know that people are being favored, and that is generally not acceptable in school.  I was never very popular or considered beautiful either, but I know who would have helped me if I was in that situation.  Talk to a guidance counselor or someone in the school who might be able to back your take on things, but let the authoritative figure be the voice

    As far as being unattractive, (let me see) consider what you think is unattractive about you, and do your best to fix things.  Some people can't do much to sway the course of nature, but they try their best. Remember always that the heart of a person is what matters most.  The heart is beautiful.  We are all beautiful.  "I'm beautiful, no matter what they say, the world can't bring me down....don't you bring me down tonight..."  You are beautiful.

  5. as long as you're confident and have a good personality and intelligent thats all you need. attractiveness is just a bonus. and i'm sure you're not ugly. lucky for you you are to him, so at least he won't perve on you! so dont take notice of him.

    and he sounds a bit like a gary glitter fan?  wanting a close look of all his pupils. hes stupid. don't worry about him.

  6. this is one math teacher. just because you sit in the back doesnt mean you arent pretty.

    You have to look at the good things about yourself and think of yourself as pretty and it will show that you are.

    this guy must be a pedophile or something, i wouldnt owrry about it

  7. To be attractive it is not necessary to be beautiful. Attractive are our movements, our way of conversation, our way of dressing, our self-confidence. Just come out of this complex and you will feel you are the most attractive person in the world.

  8. Every person is beautiful in their own way. So just because some old f**t teacher doesnt think you are...that is just his opinion... I am sure you are a beautiful person inside and out. Dont ever take his opinion so hard on yourself. I hope you feel better.... Dont get depreesed about this.. What matters is the inside of your heart.

    And if this bugs you so much, I would talk to a school councelor.

  9. look at it like this, USUALLY attractive people are popular, popular people are usually confident and loud, therefore your maths teacher may want them to sit at the from on class where he can keep his eye on them to make sure they arnt being silly....


  10. it all depends what you think is unattractive about yourself... if it's your weight that can always be fixed by going on a diet, if it's acne you could go to a dermatologist, if its something else i'm sure you could do something to help it... anyway if you can't do anything about it just continue living your life like normal and don't let it bother if you're a good person that's all that should matter

  11. You must realize that it's the people in front of you that get the shock. Either that or realize that real beauty is not your physical appearance. I understand that being beautiful and being wealthy is a real detriment to personal character development, although I cannot speak from personal experience. I have always assumed that a rich internal life is much more rewarding. A spiritual life (whether that's religious or not) is the real reward.

  12. This guys is disgusting. He's absolutely in the wrong here. His behaviour is unacceptable, and gross!!!

    This teacher's opinion shouldn't matter. It shouldn't convince you of your attractiveness or worthiness.

    If I were in your class, I would LOVE to be placed at the back, just to be away from the total creepiness & pervertedness of this guy.

    Honestly, his choices of who is "hot or not" should bear no influence to your self-esteem.

    Accept that you will not be targeted by a pedophile. Accept that you will not receive unwanted (creepy) attention from an adult. Accept that you are safe from his wandering eyes and dirty mind.

    Accept that.

  13. 1.  The teacher is a jerk.

    2.  Be glad you are not so close that he is looking at you all the time.

    3.  Don't accept his opinion.  He's not the one you need to please.  you need to please yourself first, and then maybe your friends.

    4.  Even among people whose opinions you care about, people's opinions vary greatly about who is and who is not attractive.  For example, take the cast of the TV show Freinds.  If you ask who is most attractive, you would not get a unanimous answer.

    5. If you really think you are unattractive, ask a girlfriend who you think is attractive to make suggestions how to change your looks.  Maybe a new hairstyle would help.  Maybe a little makeup would help.

    6. Some day some guy will love you, and he will think you're beautiful.

  14. That doesn't mean anything. If this is true, the the teacher is a jerk. I'm sure you are not unattractive at all, don't let his theory of "Attractive people up front" bring you down.

  15. I am far from pretty.  But my opinion is if people don't like the look of me don't bloody look at me.  As I always like to think of it - just because a box of chocolates has the most amazing decoration and colouring on the box, luscious colours and pretty ribbons doesn't mean the chocolates are the best ever.  Even the plainest of boxes could contain the best choccies in the world!!

    In other words its what is inside that counts.  You may not think you are as attractive as the people in the front of the class, but I bet you are a much nicer person, nicer personality, friendly and kind.  Whereas the lot at the front probably only care about themselves. I'd much rather be friends with someone like you than them.  

    You may not have much self confidence but you have to make the most of yourself. Walk tall, with your head held high. Be proud of who you are. You are you.  You are unique.  You are individual.  You are the best you can be.  Make sure that you take pride in your appearance as best as you can.  Smile, be friendly, be chatty, and I'm sure that as your self confidence grows so will your circle of friends.

    Good Luck and be proud of you!!

  16. Hun, you probs just dont have an open neck blouse for that loser peodophile of a teacher of yours to perv on. I bet all of the girls he chooses that are so called "PRETTY" are also the s***s of the class.

    Im sure you're not ugly. Im sure youre ither pretty or average, and you carry yourself with dignity and thats why you werent chosen. because your NOT a hoe bag.

    Even if you were ugly, you will grow into your skin. xx

    Why would you want to be picked to be pretty by someone that thinks children are sexually attractive? i wouldnt, infact id be mortified.

    Hope i helped! xx

  17. WTH, is it like a modeling class or what, is your teacher retarted? next time go and sit at the front and tell him that you can't hear him good all the way back, he can't force you to go back. The beauty inside is a lot prettier and valuable then the beauty outside, unfortunately your teacher is BLIND in this sence, I'd let him know this.

  18. You dont accept it, because its not true. Write an anonomouse letter to him. Type it on the computer, about what you think about his seating arrangements, leave it on his desk and there you go! :)  

  19. first of all this teacher stinks and is missing the boat, real beauty is individual and comes from within. the first time i met my love, i told my friend he was the ugliest guy i had ever seen, i never say stuff like that and dont know why i did, but now that i know him, i have never laid eyes on anyone more attractive and beautiful as he is. be yourself, be genuine and always kind to others your inner beauty will shine and you watch 10 20 years from now when these people dont have their outer beauty to rely on, your true self will be more attractive than any of these others ever thought of, hold your head smile and be confident even if you arent, if you walk around beleiving you are unattractive thats how others will see you too, god made us all exactly how he wants us, and i have no doubt you are beautiful you just beleive it, who cares what the teacher thinks, what does he do for you, i felt like you did one day, it is a waste of time, really  

  20. Where you sit in a classroom does NOT matter one iota.  It may be thought of as some social status thing in your neck of the woods, but making the most of what you already have and more importantly, learning, is what it's all about.  Smile.

  21. You're probably really beautiful, you just haven't learned how to see yourself that way, and you don't realize that other people see you that way either. Your teacher sounds like a perv. Just be glad you're not sitting within feel-up distance of that creep.  

  22. Remember that you will always be beautiful to someone, even if you're not "beautiful" in the "traditional" sense.  Different people find different traits and quirks beautiful.  And be thankful that you're not this perve's type!

  23. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  Even if this is true, these are people that he assumes to be beautiful; but there are others that would find these same people unattractive.

    You just be you.  Keep in mind that that beauty is as beauty does.  If you believe that you are beautiul, everyone else will believe it too!!!!

  24. I don't know if you are attractive or unattractive, but teachers can't do that. Complain to the principal or someone. Or you could tell your parents about it.

  25. F**k your teacher!  He's a jerk!  Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not that attractive either, but just remember there are a lot of people who aren't superficial, and maybe you can count yourself as one of them!  : )

  26. I am sure you are not un attractive. In a way your math teacher is being racist and can get suspended for doing so if you complain.

    If you do not want to complain then realize you are not unattractive, these are the people the teacher thinks are attractive not everyone.  

  27. Is this persons judgement worth taking... surely one guys opinion of pretty is not everyones. That is just WRONG anyway... dont be hurt by wanting to please someone that shallow and ignorant!

    Many people are beautiful - some in their music or humour or genius, some in their cleavage or tight jeans. Who is worth more in the end? Depends who is looking at them, for what. Maybe the girls up front are asking Yahoo Answers how to get this freaks attention off them.

  28. i highly doubt that you are "unattractive." don't feel bad about yourself, because it will make you look ugly. if you hold your head up high and embrace your features, you will seem beautiful!

    good luck<3

  29. its a matter of opinion. some grls i think that are attractive my friends look at me like im crazy and i return the favor.

    you maybe  unattractive you may not. its all a matter of opinion!

  30. do these ppl have good grades? probably not so he may be trying to avoid the whole "my child should..." speech from their parents! don't get down on urself, it wasn't until after i left h s that i knew what ppl really thought of me.(that's been 9 yrs ago) good luck on making it!!!!

  31. that teacher is such a jerk!!! He probably doesn't have much more in the looks category than you do..unless he's some greek god shipped from heaven, he's probably is some wrinkled old dude who enjoys putting s***s in the front row so he can stare at their **** all day. You should put tacks on his chair when he's not looking...payback )= D  

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