
How to adjust a 1 year old into their own room?

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I am having another baby in December and my main concern is getting my little one ( She will be 1 in 2 weeks) to get adjusted to having a sibling. She is already on a set schedule but she may wake up around 3 to have her cup and even sometimes she wants to sleep with me. I really want to get her into her own room. Currently, she is still in her baby bed but the bed is in my room. To be honest I am a little nervous about her sleeping in her own room but I realize with the new baby the new baby will have to be in my room. How do I try to get her into her room?




  1. Tell her she is a big girl and she needs a bed. Sure they will always be your baby but, you need to let go of a baby.Ask her what is her favor color sheets and make it more easy to do. You will worry but, if you think she will fall out of bed than but some  blankest on the floor and  will be easy. Be honest with her.

  2. You just do. She is one year old, she is pretty old to still be in your room. Of course, she'll miss you --she is used to having you so close. But if you reassure her when she cries and let her know you're in the house, not very far away, everything will probably be fine. Just don't take her back in your room or you'll have to start over again! Good luck and congrats

  3. When my niece was living with me it helped to have a good routine and let her know she is doing all of these things so she can go to sleep. I think it is probably going to be harder for you because she should have been in her own room a long time ago. Start spending time with her in there. Read to her in the room and play in the room. Get her excited about being in her big girl room.

  4. Make sure she feels like her new room is special, just for her and make a big deal out it when she sleeps in there for the first time, saying how proud you are of her.  If she gets up and comes in your room just take her hand walk her back to her room give her a kiss on the forehead and say goodnight and walk away.  Keep walking her back to her room until she gets the hang of it.  A good bedtime routine helps this a lot too.  Tuck her in, read a story, do things that you never did when she slept in you room so that her new room is something special for her.

    Don't give up she'll get the hang of it eventually.

  5. I put my son in his own room at 10months, he cried when he realized that he was alone but I came every time he cried, that way I showed him that I was around, and If you have some decoration that he is used to in your room bring it in her room, it will be something familial so she won't be afraid, I know evey baby is different but for mine I put a radio in his room and it's always on the same channel, with music when he goes to bed, it does really work for him .Please don't bring her back in your room you won't get anywhere. Right now my son is 17months,I'm having another one too in december.Even though he is used now to sleep alone, I still have some concern. So good luck to you too

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