
How to adjust my child to going to bed early without the TV being on?

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school will be starting back soon and my 5 year sleeping habits are out of whack! He will be going to kindergarden, and i really need help with putting him on a better sleeping schedule...please help!




  1. book by Richard Ferber

    solve your  child's sleep problem.

    it does more than tell you how to fix the prob it also explains the importance.

  2. You take the television OUT of the bedroom.  It shouldn't be in there in the first place.  Television prohibits REM sleep in children thus resulting in sleep disorders one of which is a contributing factor to ADHD. It is also a major cause of sleep deprivation in children causing crankiness, poor grades, laziness, tardiness, listlessness and falling asleep at school.  Television viewing should cease at least a half hour prior to the child's bedtime.

  3. I would advise against the reward process.

    The key to getting your child on a better routine is to create boundaries and BE CONSISTENT.

    a 5 yr old does not need to be awake past 8pm at night. It is OK if they do not sleep right away...but inforce that they must remain in bed. If they do not, do not have a conversation with them...nonverbally place them back in their bed (making sure nothing is seriously wrong of course) and do NOT break from your consistency. The same time every night, and nonverbal communication should the child break your nightime rule.

    (This might be QUITE a struggle in the beginning if you have a determined child.)

    EVERY TIME they get out of bed, take them and lead them right back not saying a word. You might repeat this for 3 hours, but it won't go on for ever. Eventually they will know that you mean business!!

    (I might suggest leaving a stack of favorite books if the child does not feel sleepy). TURN OFF THE TV!!! Simply remove it from the room if this is a huge ordeal. Find a soothing musical toy or singing teddybear. They markey hundreds of these tools for kids and parents now.

    5 years old is waaay past the age to "self soothe!" just remember YOU are the Parent and they depend on you for rules and guidelines! Start TONIGHT and be FIRM!

    hope this helps.

  4. reward him with a prize when he goes to bed earlier each day. if they refuse take something away and tell them they get it back when they listen. or try disconnecting the telle for the night.

  5. 5 year olds need about 10-11 hours of sleep each night. 8pm is usually a good bed time.  It's all about having a good consistent routine. Start around 7pm with a bath and teeth brushing, then read some books, prayers and cuddles.

    What's the problem with the tv? Is it just you don't want him watching tv or is it that you think it will keep him up?  I have to say, I know there's all sorts of research about tv before bed making it harder for kids to get to sleep, leading to more nightmares ect, but it's just not the case for my kids.  They have a tv in their room and it doesn't cause any problems.  My twins are 7, At around 8pm they shower, then we read stories, say prayers, and say our goodnights; then I put the tv on with the sleep timer for 30 minutes (so the tv shuts off automatically) . And that's it, they sleep until about 7:30am.  I actually found that when they didn't have a tv in their room they would keep getting up "I need a drink, I have to pee, I just need to tell you 1 more thing!".  Once school starts back, we'll start bedtime a little earlier again as they need to get up at 6:30.

  6. start waking him up earlier each day so he'll fall asleep earlier

  7. Why does your 5 year old even have a TV in the bedroom? Take it away, wake him up earlier, and then he will be tired earlier.

  8. every night turn the tv down more and more, b4 u no it he wont even no its there! hope it helps!

  9. i am already starting working on my girls for school. i put them down at 8 and then at 9 the tv goes off.  closer to school they will just go to bed without tv.  they always have time to watch it before they go to bed so they are good.  if they are still giveing you problems you can try turning on a cd or tape and letting them listen to that also.

  10. Make sure he gets up earlier and make sure you are doing your nightly routines, like a bath/shower, reading books, etc.  And if he has a window in his room, you may want to get good curtains/blinds with a blackout liner.  Here it's still light at 9:30-10:00 and I have a hard time getting my 6 yr. old to bed- even when it's late!

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