
How to adjust with your roommates?

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i have two room mates? actually, its like apartment but studio-type. they are nice but sometimes, i dont like some of their habits like poster their favorite rock or metal band, and some of their plans for the room are not my type...




  1. deal with it, you cant change it.

  2. wow, how lame...learn to deal with it or move out on your own.

  3. you snooze you lose. might as wlel have some fun and play around. sheesh. you're only young once. you can get some structure when you don't have any roommates.

  4. sounds like you need an AK 47

  5. There are 3 of you ... majority rules .

  6. A poster is SO not something worth getting upset with.  If you didn't like their taste in music, you shouldn't have moved in. Their plans for the room? You mean like how they want to arrange the furniture?  These are very petty things.  Real roommate problems include things like really loud people, people who ALWAYS have lots of other people over, dirty people, rude people, people who steal.  You need to chill out or move out.  Have you ever considered what ways you may be annoying them or not being their type?  Thing about that and make sure you arent doing to them what you think they are "doing" to you.

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