
How to administer SAT9 for Homeschooled Grade 3 kid?

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I am starting to Homeschool my son in Grade 3. I am interested in having him take the SAT9.

How can I do this?

I need to be able to get all the scores/percentile etc.

Thanks !




  1. If you are not certified to administer the test yourself, you will probably have to take him to the public school to be tested. Consult the principal of your local school. There are some companies licensed to administer the SAT9 to home schoolers, but not in every locality.

  2. Does it have to be the SAT 9?

    Try Seton Testing Services for the CAT-E:

    Or Bob Jones University Press for the ITBS (Iowa) or Stanford:

    With BJUP, if you have a bachelor's degree, you can administer the ITBS after you sign up with them.  If you're a certified teacher, you can give the Stanford - but only with other children besides your own.

    BJUP Testing has a list of registered test administrators in your area.  You could contact them to give your child the test.

    You can check with a local HS'ing group - many do standardized testing as a group.

    Any way you do it, you'll receive a score report for recordkeeping purposes, since you are the registrar for your home/private school.

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