
How to adopt a baby?

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i'm just 22. I know its not a very suitable age for me to adopt. but maybe i will adopt when i reach 25 one day. but then how if i still single (not married) at the time? i really want to adopt...(hey, i'm not a spoil lil girl who make a baby as an accessory). Is there any website about this adoption things?




  1. There are lots of websites about adoption.  When I started my research on it I just googled adoption, and got TONS of information.  I think it is a very noble thing of you to do!  There are lots of children who need loving homes.  

    I do think that most states require that you be at least 25 or either married if younger than 25.

  2. I work for a company called Bethany Christian Services.  Among other things, we offer adoption services to families who are planning on adopting, and for girls who are pregnant and are looking for a family to adopt their child.  

    We offer services in both domestic and international adoption.

    You can check us out at

    Good luck with your decision!

  3. You need to find an agency.

    Good luck!


  4. go in an adoptio center that allows legal adoption...

    they will ask you if your financially ready to adopt a child..

    it will be transferred to your name as a legal parent or guardian...

    they will still ask how the baby is coming up until it gets mature enough to know that he's your parent...  

    and you will be given a legal adoption paper that tells that you adopt this child and you represent him as your parent  or guardian...

  5. you can do some research online and you will find it easier...

  6. First you're going to have to decide which type of adoption to pursue: international, domestic infant, or adoption of a state child (from foster care).

    Some international countries won't accept a single person adopting, but most will. In the U.S., being single isn't a problem at all.

    I would like to HIGHLY recommend adopting from U.S. foster care. You don't have to actually foster first, you can ask for a direct placement (of a child whose parents' rights have already been terminated). If you're going to adopt anyway, you might as well give a home to a child who TRULY needs one... and that would be a U.S. state child.

    International and domestic infant adoption both have huge ethics problems in their processes. If you choose one of those routes, please research THOROUGHLY before proceeding. Don't depend on an agency to tell you everything you need to know. Read about adoption from the perspective of adult adoptees and natural moms (moms who've relinquished children for adoption). Check out Ethica ( ) and Evan B. Donaldson ( ) for honest information on adoption.

    Please DO NOT go through an agency that is a member of the NCFA (National Council for Adoption). The NCFA and its member agencies support some horrible practices, such as closed records for adoptees and putative father registries. (I know you probably have no idea what all that means, but if you do your research, you will.)

    Bethany Christian Services is an NCFA agency. I lost my child through Bethany, and I would NOT recommend them to anyone. Highly suspect practices.

  7. just do a search under the state u live in - for example i live in arkansas so i would search for arkansas child adoption

  8. Lots and Lots of money, parenting classes, you'll need a lawyer, a home, a stable job.

    But at 25, single, its going to be difficult, you are not the "prime" person most people and agencies will adopt to.

  9. This is quite unusual.  Adoptees usually end up with ancient adoptive parents because they put off having children until it's too late

    At least you'd have the energy to parent a child and not get confused for being their grandparents

    Do research this thoroughly though and do loads of reading on the effects on the child of growing up adopted - it's parenting 101 if you are going to care for an adopted child's issues properly

  10. Actually, being single isn't the biggest concern - lots of singles adopt.  What is more important is your maturity and  how stable your life is and the  type of home you would be providing to a child.  You would have to apply to an adoption agency and talk with a worker about what type of adoption would be best for you (anymore, there aren't many countries that allow single women to adopt internationally but domestically it isn't a problem).  You would go through a home study which would include background checks for child abuse and any criminal history, personal interviews, reference checks and a visit to your home to ensure it is a safe and suitable environment.

    There are lots of adoption web sites - use any search engine for adoption.  The biggest is probably - it's a good starting place.

    Good luck!

  11. i don't fully agree with sweetie. you don't need lots and lots of money that is why a lot of children are still waiting to be adopted because ppl have the misunderstanding that you need to be rich ,not true at all. i am not rich and my husband and i have adopted a sibling group of 4. but as far as your age i am not going to bash you because you are 22 and want to adopt. i praise anyone who wants to adopt at any age. however i know that where i live in the state of NC you have to be 25. and yes you do need a stable home because a lot of the kids come from unstable homes and you don't want to stick them right back in the situation they came from. and you do need a stable job. because i know from experience NC is not very supportive of the foster and adopted parents. however here in NC they do offer adoption assistance. that varies from state to state.and don't feel bad about your age and don't let anyone change your mind because i knew i wanted to be an adoptive parent and foster parent wheni was a teenager. and that God was going to send the right husband for me that was going to help me live out my purpose. and he did, my husband was a foster child and he always wanted to be a foster, adoptive parent. i wish you all the blessings in the world. so live out your purpose so that one day you can get your inheritance, the promise God made Abraham. and because we are Abraham's heir we have an inheritance over our lives.

  12. Hire an adoption lawyer.. best way
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