
How to advertise a pre-school assistants jobs in camborne.?

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  1. Do u have a childcare link site? Ours is run through the check out yours.

    Advertise on the door or your setting, schools, colleges etc.

    Erm...although not free local papers are handy! OR the job centre!

  2. The job centre do free advertisments.  If you are a member of the Foundation Stage Forum you can advertise on there.  Your LEA should also offer a vacancies service.

    Everyone that I have recruited has been a mum is there anyone whose child attends your pre-school that might need a job and want to do some training? - dont forget the can train level 3 and above through the transformation fund for free.  I find this option much better because you know them well already and if they have children a job in a pre-school will fit in perfectly with their home life.

  3. Sure Start  and LEA both advertise for free

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