
How to advertise strategically while TV program is being shown?

by  |  earlier

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Well, audience tend to change channels while commercial is being aired, what strategic thing (other than product spot) can be done while TV Program is being aired. Please help me. I really need to develop a media plan. Hahaha...




  1. Depending on whether you are doing a local or national campaign, they are more opportunites then just prodct placement. For example, you can sponsor the weather forecast on your local broadcast station, or sponsor the closed captioning of a syndicated program. There are many possibilities like this, but for bang for your buck, straight advertising is the best.

  2. First, the creative has to be engaging in the first six seconds.  But of course, you can't do much about that.

    Your buyers can monitor the positions you get in the pods.  Make sure every station/network gives you at least a fair share of 1st positions.  ("A" positions).  When you consider unit length, if your plan has national TV, remember that the networks do not guarantee a fair share of A positions for shorter lengths so recommend :30 units.

    You can roadblock.  This is not as effective as it was 20-years ago, but the strategy is to purchase the same time on many different stations.  If you are planning Spot TV (local, from stations) you buy on the top four or so stations in the market at the same time (you'll get within 10 minutes if you are lucky).  The hope is that when people switch between shows they'll see you one place or another.

    Work product-placement into the plan.  If its not to be part of your budget be sure it is handled elsewhere.

  3. Advertising is closely related to the buying cycle. Always remember that... For example:

    If my cars lease is up in 6 months, then a few commercials on TV may catch my eye 6 months out...

    Then 3 months out I may start going on the internet and researching some prices.

    Then 2 weeks out I might flip through the newspaper to see any current specials running at the dealership.

    You have to figure out if you are trying to grab the actively engaged shoppers watching TV (those who are ready to buy) or if you are trying to spark interest in passive shoppers (those who aren't currently looking for what you're offering)

    Be fast, to the point, use a slogan.... good luck and spread yourself around enough not to be missed during the buying cycle.

  4. Everything must start with the customer.  What kind of customers do you have or do you target?  male?  female? how old?  rich, middle class?  Where do they go, what kind of shows do they watch?

    You really cannot change the way people now change channels while commercials are being aired.  However, people still watch commercials especially new ones.  So if you have budget to produce a series of commercials with changes to be released over time, it would be more interesting to watch.

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