
How to allow for a social life in this situation?

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My husband and I are not at a point in our lives yet where we can have kids or really settle down; however, we are thinking about the day when we will be able to do this. Our plans include the following:

We want to have two kids, and we're planning on me being a teacher and him being a stay at home dad. We're also planning on homeschooling. We also want to either live on the edge of a small town or out away from town a bit. We also have no plans for owning a television. So what I'm worried about is how our children would get the opportunity to have a social life without feeling like "mommy" and "daddy" are being overbearing. Has anyone here been in a similar situation? What did you do? Does anybody have any suggestions for things to include in our "plan" or things to take into consideration? Perhaps doing some sort of daycare would be good while they're young? I don't know... suggestions?




  1. I think that if you are going to homeschool them- then you need to give them LOTS of opportunity for social interaction outside of you family.  homeschooling often gets a bad rep. because kids don't learn social skills and end up being made fun of and teased because ther are not "normal."  so make sure you give them opportunities to make friends and play with a variety of different kinds of people so that they are still prepared for the real world!

  2. sounds a bit much but daycare and social interaction are a must i have a cousin that is being  raised like you want. but her parents kept her away from people as much as possible. and she has no idea how to interact with children her age or what the world is really like she is a bright girl but when she is around people outside the family she seem strange 2 them it's a sad thing i feel sorry 4 her

  3. If you don't get a TV, don't contradict yourself by doing daycare. I think that homeschooling is a little bit weird, and doesn't go along with my values, but if it works for you, then it works.

    Words from the wise: stay-at-home dad's always F-up kids. I guess it depends on the man though...

    Also, how are you going to be able to support a whole entire family when you are living on a teacher's salary?

  4. it sounds good in theory, but reality, keeping the kids out of town, home schooling and no do the child get to see what else in going on in the world. It sounds way too sheltered to me. Also, I don't feel that doing home daycare and homeschooling together would work. If you feel you must homeschool then perhaps find a few other families doing this and get together a few times a week for the kids to play and hang out, or have one parent teach one subject and another teach a different one. And take them to the ymca or other youth club type place to interact with other kids. I personally don't believe kids in homeschool get all the education one needs in life. How to get along with other people, rich, poor, other races and ethnic cultures, bad people, good people, bullies. And to hear other view points other than parents. Also the simplest things like standing in line, waiting your turn, etc. My list could go on and on. But this is all just my opinion, and homeschooling is a personal choice. That may work for some but not for our family.

  5. You just will ensure that they get involved in activities with other children - when they are very young, playgroups or just meeting with other groups of moms and kids; as they get older, any type of group or sporting activities.

    It will be your responsibility to make sure they are adequately socialized.

    As for homeschooling, I'm a SAHM and teacher - NO WAY would I ever homeschool - it's way too important to have children go to school.

  6. Yes I was in a situation where I was living in a bad neighborhood and did not have freedom to go outside as the kids were never supervised  and starting gangs, parents were prescription and recreational drug pushers/users. I felt like an overbearing parent but knew it was for the best.  I knew it was up to me to change the situation and so we started going to church  again and my child went to boys and girls club and the scouts. Soon we were too busy to notice we were"trapped in our own home", and the kids learned so much more than I could have taught them, like you can't choose your neighbors all the time but you can choose your friends. Even though you are not in the same situation as I was-- keeping your kids in an environment where they will have positive roll models will be rewarding to you and your family, and they will feel like they are not always at home as when you are running a child care- perhaps you can do  both- better yet why not become scout leaders too? Then you can get to know the kids parents and your kids can make new friends too!!

  7. Wow.

    I feel bad for you future kids they will have no Friends.

    put them in a public school and buy a t.v. gosh..

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