
How to answer "where do babies come from?" to your child?

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How to answer "where do babies come from?" to your child?




  1. All you white people are the same. Yall thinks the young people are too sensitive to hear these things. Kids now a days listen to ****, s*x, watch nudity, and drugs basically everywhere. If you ask me, whenever they start to ask take advantage of that time to tell them because aint no one else gonna do it. Also for all you parents who think the school is going to teach them. You are very wrong about that because you don t know who your letting your children teach them about s*x.

  2. The answer is s*x from day 1. What's s*x? Something mommies and daddies do. Then mommy gets pregnant and the baby is in mommy's uterus, but it looks like its in mommy's tummy. Then the baby comes out of mommy's v****a when it is born. What is a v****a? A v****a is mommy's girl parts, like a p***s is your boys parts.

    Expand as the child ages.

  3. Depends on the age of the child!  A younger age be honest but don't give away anymore detail then is needed.  Say  "When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much then God blesses them with a baby."  Add more details slowly as they get older.  Age and maturity depends alot on how you handle this... but don't say from the stork!!! Be honest!  Just age appropriately!

  4. I agree that answers should be age-appropriate, but children need simple, factual information. I don't believe it's a good idea to say that God put the baby there.

    I learnt the facts of life at six, when my mother and I were watching a Sandra Dee movie on TV. Sandra Dee's character got pregnant out of wedlock. I said, "How can she know who the father is? She kissed lots of boys!". My mother said, "You don't get pregnant from kissing, it's from [basic facts of life explained here, using real gynecological words and simple language]."

    And that was it. It was easy, accurate, I wasn't the least bit devastated or traumatised, and I didn't lose my virginity til I was 24.

    And best of all, my mother got it over with. Believe me, it's better to get the s*x talk done with when kids are young, before they get embarrassed. You don't need to say anything besides the facts, the same way you'd explain what happens to food as it travels through our bodies. It doesn't need to be heavy or awkward, and it's not going to wreck your kid.

    Then when I was around 12 or 13, we had another discussion about the more emotional aspects of s*x.

  5. First you have to say how old is the kid. If the kid is really young, say from their mommies. Babies live inside their mommy's tummy until a doctor helps get them out. Who put them there, some believe God does.

    If the kid is older, determine if the kid is asking a simple question that deserves a simple answer of if the kid wants the whole gory details. Be honest and it will sort itself out.

  6. Depends on how old the kid is.

    Very young:(like around 5-7)

    From Mama's tummy.God put it there because Mommy and Daddy love each other.

    Around the age of 10:

    I'll tell you when you're older.

    I can't really tell you how to do this-I put the pieces together from watching too much tv.Heck,I figured out the eggs and sperm part from a doctor show.I've seen most kids learn like this,but some parents wait until the kid starts showing interest in girls/boys.When they start having crushes.Then they get the s*x talk.

  7. say from mommy's tummy.

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