
How to answer why you would enjoy working for the company on a job application form?

by Guest66871  |  earlier

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please help, i have a space to fit about 2 or 3 sentences on a application form for Asda (living). im 18 years old, currently in college just looking for a part time job, ive had experience in a clothes store before now.

please only helpfull answers, thankyou!!





  1. You have to sit down and think hard. I know that can be difficult, but it is better that you give your own honest answer than some idiot's idea about what you think.

  2. Put something about the chance to have a higher level of interation with customers/ improvement of customer service skills, big companies love this and have recently started to do customer service training for ALL departments. This got me my job in Sainsburys so its worth a shot!!

    Good luck!

  3. i like this job as you as talk about in yahoo  

  4. Try and show in your answer that you have researched the company. For example, if it is Royal Bank of Scotland say:-

    "Knowing that RBS is involved in sponsoring the six nations, and affiliated with Coutts Banking, as well as being one of the largest international banks in the world, I feel I would enjoy the challenge of working for such large and expansive conglomerate"

    Don't make the mistake I made when, at 16, and getting a part time job at Superdrug, my answer was "Because I've always wanted to work in a shop". And I paused before replying as well.

  5. Tell them you'd be like a kid in a sweetshop plus you wouldn't have to pay for any of it lol.

  6. You should mention that by getting the job it will give you experience to work in your chosen field of work opportunties.

    If that is not sounding ok, just be sure the answer relates to the job you are applying for. Not your personal life.

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