
How to apply for PR in Vietnam?

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How do I apply for PR in Vietnam? meaning if lets say I married to Vietnamese guy, and would like to stay there but wouldnt want to change my citizenship, how do I apply for the PR or Green card in VN? or is there such a thing yet? is there any website for reference where I can refer to?




  1. If you are marrying a Vietnamese guy than he is probably the person that can best help you get this kind of information.

  2. you got it ..marrie a viet namese , thats a start , but i'm not sure that will give you "perminant" residence. i know a german man married to a viet woman liveing in viet nam a L O N G  time and he still has to leave the country every few years  and re apply for a visa?!?!? and no way you are getting viet citizenship! but dont worry about it, as long as you update your visa [ and thats easy] you will get along just fine...

  3. Before you get on with the wedding you need the approval from the state, probably the locale party leader, maybe have your guy check with him.

    Also you might contact the Vietnamese consulate, if your in the US the web site is .

    To work in Vietnam you need a work visa, in order to get this you need a employer or an agent to slip it through.  The longest valid visa period is with a work visa, one year.  However, this things seem to be always changing so you need to find someone in the know in Vietnam.  

    The best to ya.

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