
How to apply for saudi nationality?

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How to apply for saudi nationality?




  1. Even Afghani nationality is better than Saudi.

    Sure, after going through there outrageous requirements, you can get Saudi nationality maybe HOWEVER

    you will always be considered an outsider, non-Saudi. You and your family will be discriminated against. If you are a non-Arab, your women will be oogled at in public places.

    In other words, you got to be crazy really if you want to apply for Saudi citizenship.

    FYI, even if I did list the conditions for you to become Saudi...there is little to no chance of getting Saudi nationality.

    Like you, I tried for years researching on this matter - at the end, I have accepted the fact that Saudis don't want me and now, I don't care about them either.

  2. There are some rules and conditions where you gain points to be eligible for the Saudi nationality.

    Like for example if you have been in Saudi for more than 10 years, it you have a good educational degree, if you have children with you in Saudi Arabia, etc.

    But the most important thing is to be a Muslim.

    Good luck

  3. What I heard it is not so easy..I think Arabic and tribal origin of the person who applied beside his importance are verified extensively .Well,you know Saudi is based on tribal culture ,tribal ruling and so on .....I wish they open up for some others so we have more diversity ..I think this is better for the country in  the long run ..

  4. Well first you need to go to a lawyer to verify if you satisfly the basic requirements.

    You need a minimum of 5 years of stay as well as very good qualifications ( a bachelors is not enough really). You also need to have some speciality that is useful in the society and you should have demonstrated your competence though good work.

    Religion is also important, and you should show competence in Arabic.

    Good luck! but remember you have to give up your original nationality.....

  5. think several times before applying.



    This will give you the requirements.  It's very easy to get the Saudi Nationality if you are the wife of a Saudi man.  I plan to get the Saudi Nationality, and I will of course keep my American passport as well.  (Actually, you have to surrender your American passport to the Saudi gov't, but then you can just go get it replaced at the American Embassy.)

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