
How to apply part time mba programme in australlia or uk unversity?

by Guest62320  |  earlier

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i have complete my diplomo mechanical engg in last 6 years before ,now iam working as a engg.i have more then five years experiance in engg field.just i want to know ,i am eligible to apply mba or not?then how to apply?

if i complete my mba ,its usefull for me?then i like to study uk or australlia university.please any help me.





  1. Aus uni's u can talk to idp people they help u its all the metro's in india have IDP u can checkup with the site. part time generally PR people are only allowed but u can check with idp coz u have 6yrs exp can check out with them. For tat i thinku can apply for PR come here and study on domestic fee its half the rate of international student

  2. The UK is the same. there are opportunities for international students to apply to. The best thing for you to do would be to look up Universities that you could consider and then contact their admissions people and ask what the requirements are. I know that Edinburgh, Imperial College London, York all have good reputations and ofcourse there are the usual Oxford and Cambridge. it a matter of just googling the Universities you want to go to and looking it up on their websites.

    hope this helps....

  3. Most Australian Universities have applications from international students to study in Australia or online or through distance education.

    You just have to email the university of your choice and ask for an application or information.

    MBA here means =  Master of Business Administration.

    The website above has a list of universities that offer the course.  You can do the course at some of the universities online or through distance or in Australia itself.  It also has a list of fees for international students.

    This website has a list of the individual websites for each of the universities.  I'd recommend going through each of the universities and writing them an email asking for information to be an International Student.  Tell them you are wishing to enrol in a Master of Business Administration and for them to send you details on the course, costings and any other information.  

    Make sure you tell them your country of origin, and if you wish to do the course online or through distance education or if you wish to attend the course in Australia.

    Make sure you make your english in the emails understandable, and have your words spelt out correctly.

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