
How to apply thompson waterseal?

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How to apply thompson waterseal?




  1. Make sure the wood is clean and brush it on with a good paint brush. Rollers create bubbles and sprayers are uneven because they create overspray.

    Have fun!

  2. The best thing to do is to NOT use Thompson's.  All it is made from is wax, which looks cool when the water beads up.  However, it does nothing to protect the wood.  You are much better off with a sealer such as Benjamin Moore's Clear Alkyd Sealer.  It penetrates the wood, which will preserve it much better than Thompson's.  Hope this helps.

  3. The best way to apply any deck sealer is with a sprayer...get a good one...

  4. I'm with woodtick the best way to apply Thompson's is to take it back and apply what you spent on it on something that penetrates rather than cote the wood with paraffin. It will just walk off and you will be doing it again.

  5. Brush, roller or sprayer.   I personally would go with a 4" if not a 6" pure BRISTLE brush as it does large areas and gets in between planking....such as deck flooring.

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