
How to approach a girl?

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I'm wondering what is the perfect way to approach a wierd without anyone thinkig "things'?




  1. Hi.  What's in your iPod?

  2. Well, the fact that you're using the word "approach" makes me a little dubious about your motives.

  3. There is no perfect way because each guy has his own method, his own philosophy.

    And though I don't claim to be great or bad, this is my suggestion, not a set of rules that is necessarily correct:

    a) Be confident

    b) Be yourself

    c) Be honest

    Girls right off the bat like confident guys (and Not Cocky guys). And if girl doesn't like you for who you are, then you shouldn't really worry about her b.c she probably isn't the right girl for you. Then for "c," making whatever intentions known has helped Me at least talk to a girl and get to know her.

    (Of course there are other key points like "don't sound needy" or "don't be a pig" b.c it generally doesn't go well with normal girls.)

    Lastly, if you approach every girl with the mindset of just wanting to be friends first, which I highly recommend, that is a nice plan of motivation b.c you aren't trying to drop the best pick-up line or smooth your arm over your shoulder. It ain't some tired game that girls generally here but rather You are more respectable and "cooler" by this kind of "approach."

  4. First you should work on your communication skills, your question is completely confusing. If you approach a girl that way she'll look at you like your crazy.

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