
How to approach a mom if your pregnant?

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_i want that I'm the one to told my mom about my pregnancy... Please help me... I dont know how!!!




  1. Actually there isn't  a easy to tell your mom about your pregnancy.  You just need to talk to her and let her know whats going on.  Depending on your age, no mother want ther daughter to get pregnant at a young age, because of all the struggles she knows you have to go through.  She may seem angry at first but she'll be there for you before you know it.  I was there once pregnant at the age of 16, and now my child is 21.  It wasn't easy telling my mom, but I knew I had to do it.  So my child father and I just sat down and told her, of course she was in shock, but the next thing I knew she was excited buying all kinds of baby things for us.  You should always have an open honest relationship with her no matter how bad you think it is.  She has gone through some things with her parents at one time as well.  Good Luck and let me be the one to say Congratualations.  

  2. depends on how old u are if ur yound like 13 then u should make it a big deal i dont blame u for not knowing how to tell her but if your like 19 or 20 then just tell her ur pregnant!

    hope i helped


    HELP me with my question plz and thank u!;...

  3. i suggest starting off with a powerpoint presentation with bar graphs about the likelihood of who the father is

  4. Mom, I have great news, you don't have to worry about me getting Pregnant.  I am.

    Sorry, I don't think there is a fun or good way to say it, but remember your mom loves you more than anyone in the world.

  5. The best way is to sit her down and explain to her gently when she's in a good mood,

    You have to stress to her how much you need her during a time like this and you would appreciate it if she would help you through this because you want her there.

    There isnt a really easy way, you're just going to have to hope she'll help you out,

    Good luck ;)  

  6. Sit her down when she's already calm.

    Tell her that there are some VERY important things that you think she should hear.

    Tell her that you'll give her as much time as she needs to think it over once you've told her, because you want her GUIDANCE! [YOU MUST USE THAT PARTICULAR WORD! GUIDANCE! EVEN IF YOU DON'T MEAN IT!]

    And then just say it, "Mom, I think I'm pregnant."

    Then give her space and time to think and breathe. Leave her alone for a while if she wants to be left alone. Or, if she has questions, answer them as calm as you possibly can. Don't speak unless you're spoken to, no matter how much you feel the need to "stand up" for yourself. Doing these things will help her better understand that you fully know that you've effed up and that you take full responsibility without you having actually said that you take full responsibility. Because that behavior will just insight anger. Tell her that you have no idea what to do and that you know you're not ready for this yet. But that you [YOU, NOT YOUR MOM] now have some choices to make. And then don't talk back.

    She's most likely going to be very upset for quite some time, it's not personal. It's just emotional. The best thing to do is to let her think.

    Wish you nothing but the best in your life. Good luck.

  7. There is no easy way, you just gotta spit it....I know, believe me!

  8. omgomgomgomgomg I KNOW WHAT YOU SHOULD DOO!!!!

    Step 1- Find a bun

    Step 2- Find an Oven

    Step 3- Put the bun in the oven

    Step 4- Call mom and invite her over

    Step 5- Say something like, "mom I have something to show you *open oven door* I have a bun in the oven"


  9. How old are you?  Just be open and honest about it.  If you approach the subject level-headed and with maturity, hopefully your mother will do the same.

  10. I would go out to lunch or something with her and just bring up the subject, what do you think about being a grandma? and let it go from there. Just an idea! Good luck to you!

  11. "Mom... I'm pregnant."

    Why do girls always make things seem more complicated than they are?

  12. You could get a better answer if you said how old you are. If you are a minor you have been raped, as it is legally impossible for a minor to agree to have s*x.If you are a minor the person who got you pregnant is in a world of trouble if it comes to the attention of the police. It is a serious crime, a felony, without a statute of limitatiions.

  13. theres no way to find out til you tell her,are you married?if not she'll be po-ed!

  14. i would just wait until shes in a good mood

    say mom we need to talk

    and then once your both sitting down

    say i know youll support me with whatever happens

    and i know youll love me no matter what

    shell probly say something like of course honey

    and then just go mom im pregnant.

  15. Simple.  Tell her that you need to talk to her about something, when she has a minute.  Make sure she's sitting down, and don't pick a time when she's already stressed about something else.

    Tell her that you have some news that won't make her happy, but what's done is done, you have to take responsibility for your actions, and that you are pregnant.  Tell her that you hope she will be supportive, because you don't know what to do from here.

    Btw, how old are you to be going through this.  I'm guessing 14-17?

  16. Just tell her at the dinner table.

  17. yo that sucks b

  18. You need to just come out and tell her, not while shes busy or talking to someone. You just have to muster up the courage to tell her. Get her alone and just let her react to it. There is no easy way to do it.

  19. THIS IS LONG BUT IT"S IMPORTANT... if you were not suppose to be pregnant God would never allowed you to get pregnant...

    don't tell her in spoken words but tell her in written words. I don't know how close you and you mom are but one day soon when she gets off work have her some warm bubble bath water already running when she gets in. After she gets in the tub ask her can you get her anything if she say no ask "well may I give you this note ,I just needed 2 tell u a few things" If she say tell me say "mom it would be better if you read it I may cry telling u" write this ' Mom I know I haven't always been the perfect daughter, but you try your best to raise me to be the perfect daughter. We are living in a generation where peer pressure is more evil now than ever before. I hear you talking to me at home and I listen but sometime when I go to school the peer pressure out weighs the home conversations. Mom I love you so much and don't want to hurt you. I want you to continue to love me and lead me to be the woman that you want me to be. Mom I now know why you told me what you told be about boys. Mom please don't be mad at me, with God, each other and me now knowing the truth we can make it through this. Mom I have something to tell you s/he isn't a mistake but our learning experience together. I would woman up and take care of my responsibility... By now she may already know what it is and she would hug you and say I'm glad that you were able to talk to me before I found out on my own.  Hug your mom and say we will get through this together

  20. Best to do it before your water breaks during Christmas dinner

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